She wants to know where you are at all times and demands that you call to check in throughout the day. She casts the evil eye on each of your co-workers and friends. She wants you to get rid of all your friends. She wants all your attention for her and hates when you go out with guys. She pressures you to make commitments you’re not ready for, like moving in together or getting engaged. You feel like you’re walking on eggshells when she’s around her.

Does this clingy girlfriend sound like someone you’re dating? If so, your relationship needs help.

A clingy girlfriend is a sure ingredient for disaster in any relationship. She may not be aware of all the negative psychological and even physical consequences her behavior has on you. A healthy relationship should be a place to feel safe and grow individually and as a couple. Compromises are key, and if your relationship feels more like a hostage situation than a partnership, it’s time to reexamine a few things.

But can you get out of a relationship with a clingy girlfriend? You can get so used to the situation that you never do anything about it. Or you may be too uncomfortable to bring up problems because you’re afraid of the answer. After all, there’s no telling how a jealous girlfriend can react to bad news. Maybe you can’t find the strength to leave because you really don’t want to hurt her or see her cry, or you feel like she depends on you too much and she won’t be able to survive on her own. Or maybe there are more practical reasons holding you back, like a child, a shared lease, or a common pet. Of course, none of these are good reasons to stay in a toxic relationship.

Or maybe you don’t want to stay in the relationship at all and are just putting off the inevitable breakup. Maybe a family reunion or special occasion is coming up, or an important work event is coming up, or you’re just waiting for the perfect opportunity. The truth is that there is never an ideal time to break up a relationship. If anything, by delaying the inevitable, you’re doing yourself and her a disservice by wasting time you could spend healing or finding a new relationship.

If your relationship is worth saving, communication about the problem and possible solutions is critical. Let your partner know that she feels that she is holding the reins of the relationship too tightly, and feels that more freedom would benefit both of you. It is important to establish open lines of communication where you can discuss issues together without hesitation or fear.

If you’re in a relationship with a clingy girlfriend and need help, visit my website for my guide on how to take steps to fix or leave a bad relationship. Although it may seem impossible right now, you can have the happy relationship you deserve.