You must become a business developer!

Fall in love with learning to lead

and use your marbles at all times!

Children under the age of eleven ask first, then tell because they are cute.

Twelve years or more is no longer cute.

Now you have to give someone a reason first, then ask.

Your tell and ask should not last more than 30 seconds.
A TV commercial is 30 seconds long. The Challenge is to use your imagination and give them a reason to give you what you want.
The best salespeople are the best salespeople. You can always improve, your saying, your reason.

He carries three marbles at all times. The marbles remind you to ask and you will receive most of the time. Before you ask, (give) tell them a reason why you should get what you want to serve humanity with humility. Telling is not selling; asking for what you really want is to sell.

90% of what you want, you must say and ask one to three people.
10% of what you want, you must say it and ask for it from four to 500 people.
Because it is a reason. Please is also a reason.

In your tell and ask, you must establish

1. Kindness.

2. Know that you are practicing your telling and asking.
Practice of doctors, practice of lawyers, etc.

3. Show that you are not afraid to tell and ask everyone and anyone on the planet.

The response to your request will be.

Yes = 1. Yes- or 2. Tell me more

No = 1. I am too busy,
2. It’s too expensive, too much trouble (both or the same problem).

3. I want to think about it
Yes, it is a promise. It is also not a promise, not a rejection.
Every time you don’t ask, the answer is no and they think you don’t have all your marbles. Three marbles are enough.
Your Tell & Ask will be communicated as:

55% Body language Facial expressions.

35% the Tone-of your voice.

10% are words- You want to be…

1. Verbal 2. Passionate 3. Visual

A benefit describes what the product or service will do for the recipient. A feature describes the product or service.
People hear the benefits.
When they hear a feature, they say it to themselves. And that!
When they hear a benefit, they say to themselves. AHA!

Leading with benefits follows with features.
If you lead with a feature, follow with, what that means to you is…

If you do thirty Tell & Ask a day, ten thousand nine hundred and fifty Tell & Ask a year, you will get your share of the market.
Your say and ask should be:
1. Knowledgeable 2. Exciting 3. Enjoyable or entertaining.

“Do not write anything that you can call on the phone,

Don’t call anything you can talk to face to face,

Don’t speak anything you can smile,

Don’t smile you can win nothing and

don’t wink anything you can nod.”

Earl K. Long Famous and Infamous Legend in Louisiana Politics