Do you really want to make your 2009 New Year’s Resolution come true? If the answer is “Yes”, an important ingredient is “comradeship”. Find a partner to share the journey towards achieving your dream, resolution, and daily goals. It’s so much easier if you don’t try ‘go free’ And it will be more fun if you have a friend to share the good times along with the hard times. Do you remember that ‘best friend’ you had when you were a child, with whom you shared laughter on those long summer days? They commiserated together and stuck together through thick and thin, good times and bad. Maybe it’s time to find a friend who shares your passion, interest, desire, and commitment to your 2009 resolution.

Finding the right friend is not as difficult as you think. You probably already know someone who shares your vision and would be interested in pursuing your dream with you. The trick is to find that special someone and ask! Let’s say your resolution is to exercise for 30 minutes every day, learn to cook healthier meals, or master photography. There is an endless variety of dreams and resolutions! Maybe you have a co-worker who would love to walk with you during breaks, hit the gym at lunch, or play softball after work. Maybe you have a friend who shares your interest in cooking and would enjoy whipping up a new creation once a week. Or maybe you have a friend who shares a photography class with you. Ask that fellow photographer if he’s interested in shooting with you on the weekends. Field trips are so much fun – shoot first then have a picnic!

Teaming up with a friend will help you make a successful and rewarding trip. These are just some of the benefits of associating with a kindred spirit:

  1. You can share ideas, brainstorm, research, learn, implement and grow together.
  2. You can help each other build a long-term plan and daily action plans that will guide you throughout your journey toward achieving your dream, resolution, and daily goals.
  3. You can hold each other accountable by scheduling time to work on your resolution together. It’s much harder to ‘give up’ or ‘give up’ when a friend confides in you or when you have a scheduled time to get together.
  4. You can compare progress notes, do weekly check-ins, course correct, and celebrate wins together. The rewards are just as important as the actual “work” for continued motivation, success, and happiness.
  5. You can help each other overcome obstacles, stay on track, and make sure expectations are realistic and achievable.
  6. You can share a laugh, goof around and have fun. Making and keeping a resolution is hard work, but you should also enjoy the journey. . . Remember the old adage “All work and no play…”.

There are many good reasons to find a partner to work with you on your resolution, dream, or goal. Now move and form a team! Remember: I Resolve A. . . Achieve my new year’s resolutions, one resolution, one day at a time for a year. It’s your choice. Do it today. Turn your resolution into reality in five easy, common-sense steps: dare to dream, decide, define, develop a plan, and do it every day. Make your resolution a permanent Resolution for life, something that will stay with you forever! Above all, be a Resolver, someone who makes resolutions, achieves resolutions and enjoys the ride! Let’s go for it!