Is God considered a genius or a superior sage? If we explore the elements of wisdom and genius, we will find that there are no limitations, rules, guidelines, structures, blueprints on how to be wise or become a genius. Understanding, knowledge, information, vision and brainstorming are the concepts that can be found in a genius. But what is found in wisdom. Can we explore?

Wisdom is words, words of action, words that have meaning and life. Faith is believing in something we cannot see. Wisdom is speaking or knowing something that we cannot really interpret. Confused right? Look at this. Have you ever really listened to your inner voice or deep thoughts and the answer to what was troubling you was answered? Or have you ever moved into the next lane without even thinking about doing so just in time to avoid an accident? How about new ideas and innovations? How about new inventions, art patterns, designs, or management processes? I believe that wisdom lives in us and genius is the introduction of wisdom.

Looking for things that are unknown, our imagination, our vision, our dreams or things that are outside the universe, is that where wisdom lies? Have you ever thought about the Milky Way and other galaxies that are planetary aligned like ours? What if space itself was a galaxy among billions of galaxies and aligned like our planetary alignment? That is where wisdom dwells, Albert Einstein was a genius because he really was from Planet X. Let’s be real, right?

Wisdom and genius are like brothers and sisters. They can get along or they can become an adversary. What does that mean? Bill Gates, for example, the founder of Microsoft is considered a genius. But how to bring those great ideas to market is where the wisdom comes in. Knowing and understanding your product is smart marketing. Knowing and understanding oneself is emotional intelligence. Knowing and understanding spiritual words is spiritual wisdom. The crazy part is that you can come up with a great idea and without knowledge and wisdom, that product will never be marketed to the world. So the moral of the whole story is to understand yourself, know your product, and learn how to market your product to the world.

Now the motivation part, seek wisdom and understanding and the more you seek, the more wisdom and understanding will come to you. It’s like practicing, the more you practice, the more what you are practicing becomes natural or close to perfection. Motivation is powerful because it can guide you in positive or negative ways. What? People can be motivated to do evil things. They have the mission to destroy or harm the personalities or the objectives of any person. That is only if you give them the key to do so. We own the keys to our hearts and minds, we are the holders of the keys, and the Higher Self you believe in is the maker of the keys. How the key is made is wisdom. What elements the key is made of is wisdom. Genius is using our keys to unlock unlimited resources that are already available to us in the world.

So what about Planet X? Well, Planet X exists in our minds. Some people are weird and do crazy things that normal people wouldn’t do, and we say they’re not from this planet. We all have the gift of wisdom within ourselves, yes, even the rare people. How to exercise and expand the wisdom within us is a challenge for some people. Seek wisdom and seek understanding, because the more you know, the safer you are.

I believe in people, I believe in communication, passion, integrity and respect. My biggest challenge is believing in myself. These words below will help you understand yourself before you can understand someone else:

I am the best
I am successful
I’m strong
I am a warrior
I am the one