1.What are the benefits of fertility-acupuncture?

has. Acupuncture strongly and effectively stimulates blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.

The uterus benefits because it receives more nutritional products that can thicken it and/or make it more susceptible to the implantation of an embryo. Poor uterine quality is often to blame for “implantation failure.”

Eggs also benefit as a result of increased blood flow. The uterine artery supplies both the uterus and the ovaries. Since the eggs reside in the ovaries, the eggs receive more FSH/LH from the brain; In addition, they receive more oxygen, nutrients and electrolytes. The follicles, as a result of this increased blood flow, are also able to more effectively get rid of dead cell debris known as “waste.” An accumulation of “waste” can lower the quality of the eggs. Remember, all it takes is a good egg, a good sperm, and a healthy lining.

b. Acupuncture reduces stress, and stress is associated with decreased success in trying to conceive.

against Acupuncture improves sperm quality. This improvement can be seen in a higher count, higher motility and better sperm morphology. Also, if the male partner has sperm DNA fragmentation greater than 30%, pregnancy will not usually occur. Acupuncture and herbal medicine are very effective in significantly reducing the levels of sperm DNA fragmentation.

d. Acupuncture, herbs, and the right supplements can help the PCOS patient lose weight (when needed), regulate menstruation, improve fertility outcomes, and help reduce the chance of miscarriage, which is twice as high in the population with PCOS than in the population without PCOS. PCOS of the population.

me. Endometriosis. Sometimes, even after a laparoscopy, a patient is still unable to conceive. Most likely, the reason for this is that not all of the endometriosis was removed, as some endometriosis looks exactly like normal tissue. As a result, there are inflammatory products circulating in the uterus that make it too “hot” or swollen to allow implantation to occur with an ongoing pregnancy. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can significantly reduce inflammatory conditions in general and in the uterus in particular, thus making the uterus healthier and more amenable to implantation with a successful pregnancy underway.

F. Advanced maternal age is a term conferred on any woman age 35 or older. This population usually has at least two problems. They present with decreased ovarian reserve and poor (or less good) egg quality. Your eggs can be enhanced through the proper application of acupuncture and thus significantly improve your chances of conception.

gram. Spontaneous abortion. There are many reasons for miscarriage, many of which should be addressed by a reproductive endocrinologist.

However, there are two pathogenic mechanisms of spontaneous abortion that can not be treated by western medicine. These are IUFD and IUGR. Basically, they mean the same thing, even though they have different names. IUFD stands for intrauterine fetal death and IUGR stands for intrauterine growth retardation. Basically, this means that blood flow to the placenta is insufficient, nutrients are not reaching the developing fetus, and miscarriage occurs. Acupuncture is essential for these types of problems.

H. Subchorionic hematoma. A subchorionic hemorrhage (also known as a subchorionic hematoma) is the collection of blood between the uterine lining and the chorion (the outer fetal membrane, next to the uterus) or under the placenta itself. It can cause light to heavy spotting or bleeding, but may not. This can and often does end in miscarriage. The western medical approach is bed rest. Acupuncture and herbs can treat this condition more aggressively and often more successfully.

I. Infertility due to “unknown cause”. In traditional Chinese medicine, everything is diagnosable. There is no vocabulary in any Chinese medicine book that equals “no known cause.” The expert practitioner forever find the underlying cause and often treat it successfully.

d. Acupuncture and herbs are perfectly suited to an integrative approach to fertility care. The reproductive endocrinologist will stimulate the development of the follicles, retrieve the eggs, inseminate them with sperm, and transfer the embryo. This technique has produced more than four million live births of mostly healthy babies. But there are millions more transfers that were unsuccessful. This is because Western reproductive medicine does not offer a means of enhancing the components necessary for a successful outcome. These are: great ova, great sperm, and great lining. Acupuncture and herbs can confer these benefits to the patient undergoing IUI or IVF, or simply trying to conceive naturally. East meets West in reproductive medicine and hopefully one day it will be the new gold standard in reproductive care.

k. Acupuncture and herbs save you money. Think of it this way. Each IVF patient is worth up to $100,000. You do three failed IUIs. You do 4 failed embryo transfers, now you go to the donor egg. And then there’s all the evidence. If acupuncture can improve the components necessary for pregnancy (sperm, egg, lining), you will get pregnant sooner. The sooner you get it, the less expensive the whole thing will be. East meets West is the essential ingredient for better pregnancy outcomes.

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