The purpose of team building activities is generally to foster an awareness of team spirit and reinforce commitment to shared team goals and objectives. Applied correctly, these activities can develop strong interpersonal relationships that help bring the team closer together.

The purpose of team improvement should include the encouragement of individual team members to cooperate together in the team work environment, interacting and integrating skills in a joint effort so that each individual’s goal achievement is connected to the highest achievement of the team’s overall goal.

It is not enough to create a feeling of interdependence between team members in which each one feels that they are in the same boat. This can force people to get along with each other as they have no choice. When they then engage in competitive activities, the bottom line is just winning, and all too often, there is nothing they can bring to the workplace of lasting useful value.

The poorly thought out activities mistook strong competition for open aggression. This should not be the purpose of team building activities. A cohesive team that can work together successfully does not need aggression to achieve its goals. Such activities can be degrading to people who are often forced to compete at a level that is largely meaningless in the workplace.

The sole purpose of participating in such activities should be to unite a group of people who need each other to achieve their individual goals as well as the common goals of the group. This can be done by increasing or creating an understanding of common commitment to team goals.

When the purpose of these activities is properly thought through and then put into practice on absent days (for example), the end result can be a noticeable improvement in team functioning, as well as increased effectiveness of team members who are involved. then they become true team players.

There are different types of activities developed in order to improve team effectiveness. They should never be randomly chosen on absent days. Prior to the day of absence, a needs assessment should be conducted to find out exactly what type of team building activity will best suit the team. This should be one that focuses on improving team weaknesses while maximizing team strengths.

Team building is really about creating an effective team spirit in a group of people who need each other to achieve common goals. The purpose of developing a team through specific activities should be to clarify the goals and strategies of the team. It must reduce conflicts between team members, increase awareness of the value and usefulness of each individual, as well as link and unite the team for the common good.

Team activities must not confuse team members in any way. This can happen not because the team building activity is at fault, but because the facilitator is not familiar with the activity or does not have the necessary skills to facilitate it properly.

When, on the other hand, the facilitator understands the purpose of the team building activities and knows how to expertly carry them out, the team will benefit greatly from the exercise and the company as well.