If your website has poor online content, it has little to no value to your audience. Online content can be read, viewed, listened to and shared. It can be a written article (like the one you’re reading now), a blog post, a report, an eBook, an online tutorial, a video, or an audio file.

But one of the most challenging tasks most website owners face is writing or producing online content that their audience finds useful and engaging. Here are 5 tips to help you create online content your audience will love.

1. Understand the difference between offline and online

Content that is published in the offline world, such as in newspapers and magazines, is different than content published on most websites. The content of newspapers and magazines often attracts a broad audience. While your website content will be quite specific to your audience. You still need good grammar and spelling in your online content, but many other traditional writing rules are broken online.

2. Small paragraphs

When people read online, they want short paragraphs of text that can be quickly scanned. Your website visitors don’t want to be overwhelmed with large blocks of text. Short paragraphs of text make it easy for the reader to focus on what they’ve written and jump from one section to another.

3. Bullets and subheadings

When you use bullets and subheadings, you also make your content easy to read on a screen. Subheadings give your reader a basic idea of ​​what the content is about, which can help keep people’s attention longer. Bullet points are short and to the point, providing important information in a simple style.

4. Use images and photos

People expect images to be included in online content. They make your website look better, articles are easier to scan, and enhance your brand. Personal photos are great for a personal blog and you can also find many free photos, images and photographs on numerous stock photography websites.

5.General tone

Web content can be more conversational. Keep your writing tone light, casual, and interesting if you’re writing informal content. Of course, if you’re writing for a technical website, you’ll need to use the right descriptions and the right language structure. Having said that, in many cases, a casual tone shows your individuality and is a great way to connect with your audience online.