“The kingdom of God is like a landowner who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard.”

Now when he agreed with the men for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

And he came back to the city at the third hour and saw men standing idle, so he hired them too after agreeing that he would pay them a denarius at the end of the work day.

At lunchtime, the vineyard owner returned to town and saw more men standing idle, so he also hired them at the rate of one denarius a day.

He made more trips to the city in the afternoon to find more men to hire for a denarius.

At the end of the day, the vineyard owner instructed the foreman to pay the men’s wages starting with those who started last to those who started work first.

When the men who were hired for the last time received a denarius, those who started first thought that they would pay them more and when they too received a denarius they complained among themselves saying: “We have worked all day and we have received exactly the same as those” . who were hired last. “

The vineyard owner said, “You were very happy with our agreement when I hired you; the agreement I made with all these other men has nothing to do with you. Is it my fault that I am generous?”

Then he said, “Take your money and go; I want to give these other men the same as you.”

He also said, “Is it not lawful for me to do whatever I want with my own money?”

“Because the last will be the first and the first will be the last, because many are called, but few are chosen.”

This writing says a lot about human nature; many people are happy with their own lives until they see what other people have.

It is important to focus on your own life and not compare your life and circumstances with those of other people.

Workers who were hired at the end of the day represent people who were saved late in life as opposed to those who were saved when they were young.

Vineyards that worked all day were considered more worthy than those that worked fewer hours, but God saves by grace and not by works. It is not how much you have done for the Lord and for how long that counts; is “Do you think?”

The bottom line is that God saves by grace and not by dignity. This is applicable to everyone. WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS !!

The bottom line is that one should not consider himself better than other human beings. Jesus made this very clear in Luke’s accounts when he told the parable of the two men who went up to the temple to pray. The one who told God all the good things he had done was considered better than the other man who was a sack of rats in the eyes of the other man, but it was the so-called sack of rats that humbled himself to say that I am not worthy of God, I am nothing without you. Who was right with you.