There are many success quotes, motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and quotes from successful people and entrepreneurs. You can even categorize it from achievement, hope, happiness, survival, career, business, etc. But for me, there are only four success motivational quotes that stood out among the thousands of quotes out there. Let’s see what these quotes are and why I chose them.

“I will do today what other people won’t do so that I can have tomorrow what other people can’t.”

Why do I consider this quote? It’s because it simply tells you that you need to make a difference! Take risks! This is very evident from the two contrasting words “want to-won’t” and “can’t-won’t” that compare people who make a difference in this world to those who don’t. Have you heard stories of people who, despite their disabilities or economic conditions, were successful? Have you heard stories of people who are very young but achieved so much success? These are the people who made the difference! They did what other people did not.

“When you want something, the whole universe conspires to help you get it.”

This hit quote came from the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. It is simply the summary of the most powerful law in the universe and that is the “Law of Attraction”. Our thoughts and actions lead us to success. Opportunity will show its way if we really want it.

“Show me a person backed by passion, conviction and determination and I’ll show you a winner.”

Same connection with the law of attraction, this quote summarizes how powerful our mind and our will are. If we possess this mind and willpower, then we tend to focus and never give up on the challenges and tests that come our way. Mind over matter. “I can and will do!”

“When a team of dedicated people commit to acting as one…the sky is the limit.”

Finally, if you finally have the writings above, this speaks of teamwork. As the saying goes, “two heads are better than one”. Imagine how powerful people can be if they have the same goals, possess the determination of mind and willpower and strongly believe in the law of attraction, definitely the sky is the limit of the possibilities of what they can achieve. And you, what is your favorite success motivational phrase?