
Supernatural and the Occult has always captured the imagination of the human mind. There are numerous cases where people have exploited specific beliefs for the wrong purposes. It is important to understand where to draw a line. While it’s easy to fall into debates related to religion and global issues, we’ll focus on an example of reality hacking and see how it can be exploited using a belief. The topic itself is controversial in nature, so it is best that we put moral values ​​and ethics aside for further discussion.


  1. Reality Hacking Overview
  2. The hidden science in everyday life
  3. People and Belief
  4. A real example of corporate sabotage using occultism
  5. Conclution
  6. Footnotes
  7. Bibliography
  8. external links

Reality Hacking Overview

Before we start, let’s understand what is hacking and what is a system. Most people say that hacking is about stealing passwords and getting root or something similar. And a system is any computer or network that we want to hack. But in the true sense, hacking is not just about passwords. It is about improvising a process or taking advantage of a system as a whole. A system consists of people, processes, and technology. So even the whole company is a system. The way nature operates is a form of system. Even the way you go about your daily routine and spend time with your family is a system. And hacking can be applied anywhere, carefully studying it. This vision is generally known as reality hacking and is similar to the final climax of the Matrix, where Neo finally believes in himself and sees everything, including himself, as part of the Matrix.

Hidden science in everyday life.

How many times have you read or seen people reading the daily astrology column in the newspapers? Or, how many times have you shown your hand to a common friend or to a palm reader to know the future? How much of that do you really believe?

Some examples:

In India, almost all marriages are performed only if the stars match. You would face considerable resistance from grandmothers and elderly mothers to marry the girl you like, if you kundalis1 do not match. Imagine, a small astrological chart can determine whether your family approves of your relationship or not!

Home interiors, design and furnishings are largely determined by Vaastu Shastra2 in many Indian homes. Even today, new apartments or flats are rejected if they do not comply with Vaastu aspects! So if you are a builder, you have a slightly higher chance of selling your newly built buildings/houses if you promote them as designed as per Vaastu Shastra in certain parts of India.

Large donations are given in the name of poojaa3 gold homam4 that are held almost every month in some place or another to ward off evil spirits, seek God’s blessings, and bring peace and harmony. The income generated by these donations qualify religious entities to be listed on the Stock Exchanges! For example, the annual turnover of Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (one of the largest religious bodies in India) exceeds USD 135,093,956.32. Not to mention reservations.

Again, some of the largest riots and acts of violence are due to differences between religious communities. We have witnessed the death of thousands of people in the name of religion and justice. As they say, even today most people are judged by the color of their skin.

People and Belief

As we saw in the examples above, it doesn’t matter if you believe in some form of occultism or religion. What matters is that a lot of people do it. And this belief is the most important factor to use it to your advantage. For many years I have found that gaining trust is easier when you share your victim’s belief or add weight to it with your experiences or stories.

It is not difficult to find out if your victim can be exploited or not. One can start with a simple sociological game like ‘today’ or ‘Isn’t it horrible?’ and quickly move on to raising a personal problem that was resolved due to a certain practice5. For example, you can say “You know, I was thinking of buying this piece of land, but luckily I had gone to this astrologer and you will not believe it, he told me that I should not make the purchase because it was not a good period. Just yesterday I found out that the parcel was actually having a lot of legal trouble and had been seized.“Depending on the person or the place, stories like this could work. If you sound convincing enough, then your victim asks for the address and decides to try the astrologer.

If you can remember your college days, there would be at least one guy who would claim to read palms, and all the girls would flock to him asking the same stupid questions: “When am I getting married?” “I will go abroad?” “Will my husband look good?” “Will I get first class on my exams?” or more familiar like “Will I always take care of my mother and father?”; “What about my mother’s health?” or “Will I get a job soon?” and things like that.

To tell you how serious this can be, I once told a girl out of frustration that she was getting married twice and divorcing her first husband in six months. Before she could tell me, she fainted in surprise and fell down the stairs. It was very difficult for me to tell her later that it was just a joke and that she would actually be happy in a long and unique marriage. This is not an isolated case.

People believe in “predictions” when given in the right setting, and although most of them can act as “self-fulfilling prophecies”, it is natural to worry when warned of danger.

Now, how can one’s belief help one to hack? In any business, if crucial sales professionals or account managers leave a company or are not available for active follow-up, they will lose a great deal of business to competitors. Is there a way to “hack” the mind of a TAM or pre-sales professional and have them not show up at the office for a few days for potential business advantage?

A real example of corporate sabotage using occultism

In Mumbai, in Andheri, there are more than 3,000 companies with corporate offices. On any given business day, there are more than 120 IT security pre-sales technicians trying to sell their services across various industries. In such fierce competition, it is vital that submissions or proposals are made on time. It is also obvious that not everyone can qualify for certain jobs and that in the end there are only a few competitors left.

Company X wanted the deal at all costs. What can you do to prevent company Y from winning this order? That’s when they tried a simple plan. Krishna (let’s say) was a pre-sale guy working with company Y. He used to travel every day from Dombivili to Andheri on a local train via Dadar. Company X studied Krishna’s daily activity for a few days and strategically dispatched a Sadhu early in the morning to his area.


When Krishna left as usual to go to the office, the Sadhu stepped forward and asked for a rupee, but instead stopped at random and gave him a cold and creepy look before saying “Your death is near! You are going to die in a train accident in less than a week” (Actually, it was very dramatic.) Saying this, he gave a ‘you’re damned’ laugh and quickly walked away.

Now what do you think the effect would be? Surprised, Krishna paused for a few seconds and regained his composure before moving to his workplace as usual. After two days, X Company sent another Sadhu who “accidentally” crossed Krishna’s path and suddenly froze before looking at him.

This time the Sadhu said “Son, your life is in danger. Stay at home and recite the hanuman chalisaa7 every day if you want the danger to passBlessing him, the Sadhu started walking away chanting mantras. But this time Krishna quickly called him and asked what was the danger. The Sadhu replied that the period was extremely bad for him because he had not fulfilled a promise made to god. the only way out was to stay at home for a week or so chanting “hanuman chalisaa” 108 times a day. During this time he should not travel anywhere as it would surely put him in danger of losing his life.

Even now, company X did not know how Krishna would react to all this. Krishna thanked the Sadhu, gave him a 50 rupee note and went to the office. But soon the two separate incidents of being warned of death put Krishna in the desired state of mind. When he got to Dadar, he changed his mind and went back home instead of to the office. In the next few hours, Krishna called “sick”.

The fact that a capable pre-sales guy was absent from the office due to “southern sickness” had its effect on the overall aggressiveness of Company Y’s business. Although Company Y sent another sales guy to take over from work, he did not share the same sympathy and comfort as Krishna did with his clients. In less than a week, Company X was able to close a crucial deal with an energy-based company worth more than INR 0.85,00,000/- due to less competition.

As for Krishna, he traveled with great caution for the next month on local trains.


Belief in the supernatural, the occult, or the unknown can be carefully exploited for our benefit in our daily lives. It is very important to take precautions like; an unplanned execution of such a feat can lead to serious psychological damage to the victim. In the next part, we will see some more examples. All comments are welcome.


  1. Kundalis – Astrological charts used for predictions. Widely used in India to make couples before marriage.
  2. Vaastu Shastra – Similar to Feng Shui, Vaastu Shastra deals with various aspects of designing and building living environments that are in harmony with physical and metaphysical forces.
  3. Poojaa – A Hindu form of prayer
  4. Homam – Homa (also known as homam or havan) is a Sanskrit word that refers to any ritual in which making offerings into a consecrated fire is the main action. The words homa/homam/havan are interchangeable with the word yagna. Homas is an important religious practice in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.
  5. Practice – In this case, it refers to a set of superstitious instructions under guidance.
  6. Sadhu: Sadhu is a common term for an ascetic or practitioner of yoga (yogi) who has given up the pursuit of the first three Hindu goals of life: kama (enjoyment), artha (practical goals), and even dharma (duty).
  7. Hanuman chalisaa – A special prayer to the almighty Hindu monkey god – Lord Hanuman.


Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relations; 1964 (1978 reprint, Grove Press, ISBN 0-345-17046-6); (1996 paperback, ISBN 0-345-41003-3)

external links

The games that people play

Social engineering training