AirWick Pure Aerosol

Air Wicks Pure Aerosol Whitewash creates a fresh, fragrant and refreshing aroma that will leave you smelling like a tree blossom. Using only natural materials, Air Wicks work instantly to neutralise unpleasant smells, improving every room of the house for up to 1 hours. The mouth watering, subtle smells are a delightful and welcoming addition to any living space – proving it perfect for all day use, no matter where you are. The unique “Wick Material” contains a patented formula that utilises silica to deliver an environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional wick materials. No harmful silicones or dyes, just pure silica.

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Air Wicks is ideal for removing unpleasant odours from carpets, drapes and other fabrics where the odour is caused by chemical reactions with certain fibres. Whether you’re looking for ways to freshen up your living space or trying to get rid of garlic breath after eating a garlic laced dish, using an air-wick product will help. As the odours are trapped within the air wick, there is no longer an unpleasant smell emitted. You simply spray the product onto the offending odours and allow it to settle, absorbing the odours into the material itself. Air Wicks can also be used to help remove smoke odours from carpets, drapes and other areas of the home, completely eliminating the offending odours in one simple application. Air Wicks is also useful in removing odours from clothing, particularly clothes worn after a workout as sweat can often emit unpleasant odors from the clothing.

The unique “Wick Material” contained within the Air Wicks Pure Aerosol Whitewash product type is the secret behind their ability to absorb odours. The air-wick composite is made up of a polymeric wax and a cotton base, which is how it becomes so effective at absorbing unpleasant odours. The product type doesn’t contain any synthetic fragrances; however, it does contain natural fragrances that provide a pleasant smell to the air. In addition to being completely safe, using Air Wicks to freshen up a room or to remove odours from your air-conditioning system means that your household becomes more environmentally friendly. In fact, the AirWicks product type has been developed by environmental charities to ensure that all the air you breathe is full of healthy oxygen, helping to prevent respiratory diseases.

Protecting Your Health With AirWick Pure Aerosol

Another benefit of using an AirWick pure aerosol product type is that they can effectively reduce the amount of time that a spill occurs on your carpet or rug. Most spills occur when an air purifier or other ventilation device is not used for a few hours or so after a spill occurs. With the AirWick, you can quickly remove the excess odour, ensuring that you can get back to enjoying your living space once again. This added protection also extends to your personal belongings and clothing, ensuring that you are not exposed to a toxic chemical or harmful airborne matter. Just like with any other type of air purifier, an AirWick can provide a safe and effective means of removing harmful odours from your home and office.

Using air purifiers like the AirWick makes it easy to breathe easier when the allergens or other irritants in your environment become too much to bear. However, there are many people that still believe that air purifying devices are unnecessarily expensive, especially when you consider the number of years that you could potentially spend on maintaining your air purification system. Fortunately, technology has allowed manufacturers to develop products that perform as well if not better than traditional air purifying systems, without breaking the bank. Today’s air purifiers are lightweight and portable, making it easier to take them with you anywhere.

An air purifier like the AirWick is perfect for people that suffer from asthma and other respiratory conditions that make it difficult to breathe, even on occasion. However, even if you do not suffer from these conditions you can still benefit from an air purifying system by using a pure aerosol air filter. Air purifiers such as the AirWick can help to reduce the number of allergens present in your home or workplace. By using a pure aerosol filter in your home you will reduce the number of allergens that you come into contact with on a daily basis. Not only will this save you time and money but you will be doing your part to protect your health.