Putting your dog(s) in outdoor kennels may seem cruel, but when you consider that they’ll be able to breathe fresh air into their lungs and have some mobility at the same time: it’s actually a much better alternative to leaving them cramped in the house while you are away from home or busy.

If you are budget conscious, plastic outdoor dog kennels are usually the least expensive, while steel wire kennels will cost more but last longer. The only problem with using a steel kennel is that you first need to make sure the steel is rust resistant, then also make sure it’s a fairly high grade steel that won’t bend or distort easily.


There are several varieties of portable outdoor dog kennels that are made to be transported from one location to another. Your life will be so much easier if you look at reviews specifically about the specific kennel you want to make sure people like and promote the usability of the product before purchasing.


You will probably want to get two stainless steel bowls for water and food, along with a bedding or blanket to get them off the kennel floor. Sunshades are a great idea too – you don’t need to shield every area of ​​the kennel, just make sure the dogs have a shady area to rest from the sun if they need it.

Other possibilities?

Instead, you can choose to purchase a simple kennel or a full-size dog playpen. Whichever you choose, it’s a good idea to have at least one enclosure on hand in case you’re waiting for the wire repairman, or your pet gets fussy about company.

Be sure to clean the enclosure regularly to avoid bacteria and dirt.