Everyone knows the feeling of being hungry with no idea what to make for dinner. You feel scattered, stressed and “hungry” all at the same time, what a bummer. Instead, spend half an hour planning meals for the week to lower your grocery bill, feed your family healthier meals, save tons of time prepping, and reduce mealtime stress.

Plus, the more you do it, the more proficient you’ll be at programming recipes, shopping for ingredients, and later, reusing previous meal plans. Give meal organization a try with these 5 easy steps and see what you think. Even if you only do it for part of the week, you’ll still see the benefits.

How to do it

Step 1. Start with the right tools.

Browse cookbooks or food websites and apps, and ask family members for suggestions. Think theme nights like Meatless Mondays or Taco Tuesdays and use a menu board/grocery list to help you organize your week of dining. Check your fridge and pantry for necessary items and then create a shopping list as soon as your menu is set.

Step 2. Consider the season and the weather.

When planning, you’ll want to think about what foods are in season and what the temperatures are like. The cooler fall weather generally calls for soups and stews with fall squashes and root vegetables, while warm weather is better suited for grilled meats and seafood and fresh salads. Eating in season keeps food costs down because seasonal produce is more plentiful and readily available.

Step 3. Take note of special occasions and activities.

If you have visitors or a busy night of activities in a particular week, please plan accordingly. Take notes if more or less time is required to prepare the food on any given day. Write down the source of specific recipes for easy reference so family members can start preparing meals, even if the official “chef” isn’t home yet.

Step 4. Make a support list of family members.

Remember to have your spouse and children help in any way they can. Lots of hands make for light work, so delegate specific tasks based on everyone’s preferences and abilities. Have a younger child grate cheese and wash lettuce for the salad, while an older child heats the sauce and cooks the noodles for a pasta dish.

Step 5. Look for efficiency opportunities.

Cook extra meat one night so that leftover roast beef or baked ham can be reused for lunch sandwiches or a casserole the next night. When you plan your meals ahead of time, you feed your kids healthy, save time and money, leave a small ecological footprint, and lose weight too!