These days, you can get your work published without making big up-front investments. With the help of online publishing channels (for example, Amazon’s Kindle platform), writers themselves can now publish books. In this article, you’ll learn how to take advantage of online publishing.

Two types of online publishing services

  • Single channel: With this type of service, you will publish your work on a single channel. Amazon’s KDP (ie Kindle Direct Publishing) program belongs to this type.
  • Multichannel: Services of this type sell books through multiple retailers.

Important note: the multi-channel approach is not recommended if you are new to the self-publishing game. This is because it requires hefty upfront fees and sales deductions. It would be best if you started with a single channel reseller like

prepare your work

Regardless of the publishing service you choose, you need to format your work and make sure it’s the correct file type. With Amazon, you can use the following file extensions:

  • PDF
  • MOBI
  • EPUB
  • KPF
  • TXT
  • HTML

The following tools can help you format your book:

  • Sigil – Use this free software if you want to format and/or edit your ePUB books.
  • Calibre: This is a free program that you can use to convert your book files.
  • Scrivener: This word processor offers powerful formatting features. It is a paid program but its writer-friendly features will surely help you to write and publish books.

Create a book cover

This aspect is probably one of the most complex. His book needs a cover that is both relevant and attractive. It would be great if you could design the cover yourself. However, if you don’t have the time, resources, or skills, you can hire someone to create a cover for you.

Make sure the cover you choose looks good, regardless of how it’s displayed on the reader’s device. That’s because people can change the color and size of the digital materials they’re reading. For example, a reader can view her book using a black and white screen.

Increase sales

The following factors determine how much money you will make from publishing online:

  • The quality of the book: If you wrote a great book, chances are a lot of people will want to read it and buy it.
  • The general visibility of the book – The term “visibility” refers to the presence of the book in the market. Obviously, you can attract sales if you promote your book. For example, you can tweet about your book so your Twitter followers know about it. By making your book more visible, you will have more chances to make money from it.
  • The cover of the book – It is a well-known fact that the cover of a book greatly affects its saleability. If you want to sell a lot of copies, use a great book cover.
  • The price: this factor is misleading. Selling your book at a high price could turn off potential readers. But that will make your book “premium”. However, selling it at a low price will attract sales but could give the impression that the book is of low quality.
  • The percentage of royalties: Amazon offers two options regarding royalties: 35% and 70%. The option you choose will greatly affect your “net payout.”


You may be able to achieve your dreams of becoming a popular author by publishing your books online. Amazon, one of the most popular companies in the world today, can help you publish his book globally. The things you have learned from this book can help you a lot.