Have you ever wondered: is cream of tartar good for yeast infection? Did you know that yeast infection can be caused by a chemical or hormonal imbalance? Women are more prone to yeast infections, especially in the vaginal area, as fungi attack the moist, warm areas of the body.

Can I use cream of tartar to treat yeast infection?

There are several home and alternative remedies to treat candidiasis (Candida albicans), and from those old wives’ tales theories arise such as the use of cream of tartar to treat the symptoms of candidiasis, such as itching and burning mainly, as well as the unpleasant discard.

What’s in cream of tartar?

Widely used in cooking due to its benefits, cream of tartar is actually an acidic salt, whose chemical name is potassium hydrogen tartrate, and it is also used in home remedies.

Normally we use cream of tartar to obtain perfectly beaten egg whites, for its stabilizing properties. Cream of tartar is made from a chemical combination of potassium hydroxide with tartaric acid. It can be used in other cooking preparations, and there are also a large number of home remedies that have cream of tartar, mainly because of its salty characteristics.

But, the problem here is whether cream of tartar can be used as a treatment for yeast infection. It’s not really possible, but remember that before taking any home or over-the-counter medications for yeast infection, you should consult your doctor and receive a proper diagnosis.

You should never leave yeast infection untreated, as it has serious long-term dangers to your internal organs, as well as being extremely painful. That’s why you should see your doctor as soon as you notice any of the typical symptoms of yeast infection: itching, swelling, pain in the area, and cheese-like discard.

Candidiasis caused by Candida albican fugus is the most common infection in the world and affects mainly women, but it can affect adult men and even babies. It is caused by a chemical imbalance in your body and, if you are still wondering: is cream of tartar good for yeast infection? You should know that there is a specific treatment for each type of yeast infection and your doctor will have the solution that works best for you.