Do you have weak or soft erections?

Weak or soft erections can make it impossible for you to sexually satisfy your woman. ED can also cause a lot of stress and embarrassment. One of the worst implications of erectile dysfunction is that it can ruin your confidence.

The most important factor that affects the rigidity of your erections is the blood flow to your penis. Lack of exercise and excess body fat can reduce blood flow to the penis and lead to erectile dysfunction.

The following are some of the best ways to get harder and more rigid erections:

1. Try some onion juice

Although it will give you bad breath, onion juice is great for your erections. One of the most important benefits of onion is that it helps to thin the blood. This helps stimulate blood circulation.

Apart from this, onions are rich in allicin. This is a compound that helps to unclog arteries which tends to improve blood circulation in the body.

So if you want to get harder erections, try onion juice.

2. Red Wine

Red wine is already famous for its health benefits. It is a powerful libido booster that can work like Viagra. One of its main effects is that it can help expand blood vessels. This allows more blood to enter your penis so you can have a hard, rigid erection.

3. Clove

This is another spice that can do wonders for your sex life. Your body temperature rises and you can send more blood to the penis. Therefore, it is ideal for your erections.

Only two or three teeth are more than enough to produce this effect.

4. Have sex on an empty stomach

Having a large meal that consists of fatty foods is the biggest mistake you can make. When you eat a large meal, the blood you need to get an erection goes to your stomach. Therefore, it is a great idea to avoid eating for a couple of hours before having sex.

This is a simple tip that can be quite effective in increasing blood flow to the penis so you can get a rock solid erection and a great sex session.

5. Have more frequent sex

It’s no secret that frequent sex is good for your health. In fact, frequent sex is also good for erections. This is because each erection brings fresh blood to your penis. This helps bring nutrients and oxygen to your penis and flushes out toxins in the process.

Just getting an erection can also help increase your testosterone levels. Thus, if you want to enjoy sex better, it is time to be more active between the sheets.

6. Consume fish oil supplements

Fish oil is rich in omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA that improve cardiovascular and neurological health.

Your cardiovascular health determines your ability to have erections. A stronger heart can pump and deliver more blood to the entire body and to the penis. Therefore, try to include oily fish in your diet.

7. Try a natural erection gel

Other than the above, you can also try a natural erection gel. It is a better option compared to pills as it can guarantee faster results.

As soon as you apply said gel to your penis, the ingredients enter your bloodstream through the pores in your skin and start working to increase blood flow to your penis. In fact, you can see how such a gel works.

Some of the best gels for erections consist of ingredients like l-arginine, ginkgo biloba, pomegarante ellagic acid, vitamin C, etc.

Yet another benefit of such gels is that they can also help increase your staying power.

Top-notch products have no negative side effects.

So if you want to get instant harder erections in seconds, check out the best erection gel that has received incredibly positive reviews.