There are people I know who would tell you, if you had the chance to ask them, that sometimes I talk too much. Well, that may be true, but after a lifetime in Sales, I’m also a good listener. Talking and listening are crucial in any sales process.

Talking and listening can also be very important tools in producing digital products that you can sell at a profit. Interested? Then read on!

One of the easiest ways to do this is to record an interview and then sell it as a downloadable MP3 product.

The interview can be done in several ways. If you are an expert in your niche, you might be able to get someone to interview you. Alternatively, if you don’t feel confident enough to do so, identify an expert and ask if you can interview them.

You’ll find that most experts are happy to talk about your topic and will appreciate the free publicity.

Put yourself in the shoes of your potential clients and think about the questions they have and the interview style they would like to hear. A helpful tip is to make a list of the 12 to 15 most common questions about your niche and then work through them.

A relaxed, casual interview style works well and appeals to most people. For your first product, aim for a 30-minute audio product. You might think that sounds like a lot, but if you figure it out, it’s only 2 minutes per question if you have 15 questions.

Consider an introduction and a conclusion and it’s even less per question. The reality is that you are probably running out of time and may not be able to cover all 15 questions.

In terms of technology it is quite simple. You’ll need your computer, an Internet connection, a microphone, and some free software. Audacity is great for recording and editing sounds.

If you are doing the interview over the phone, there are several providers that will record the conversation for you and then send you the MP3.

Once you have your MP3, you need to upload it so your customers can access it. There are several ways to do this, for example you can use your WordPress site or a service like ClickBank.

If you use ClickBank to sell your MP3, you have the added benefit of having affiliates do some of your promotion for you.

So there you have it: a simple way to create a digital product that can be sold very quickly. It’s a great place to start if you don’t have any products for sale yet and if you like to talk and listen, then what better way to get your business moving.