There is nothing scarier than the unknown. A bad work environment can be worse than inhaling a toxic chemical. It is even more damaging for those of us who are unaware of what we may be getting into. I’ve been to both sides. It wasn’t until I became an employer and small business owner that I learned the underlying philosophy; The way you treat your employees ultimately determines the way you treat your customers / clients. Both are a bad reflection of the objective of the company. Here are five signs to help you recognize if a company is not the best solid place to work, how you can avoid wasting time, and what to do about it.

  • High turnover rate – Employee retention is extremely important. It is the job of the company from the first hire date to ensure that employees remain happy, engaged in their work and committed to the purpose of the company. The idea is to prevent people from feeling like they want to be somewhere else. If the turnover rate is high, it is likely because managers are struggling to monitor morale in the workplace or are not applying good strategies to manage the factors that drive turnover, which are generally attributed to poor balance. between working life and employee development. If you are applying to a high-turnover company, ask questions about your retention responsibility.
  • Bad interview process – Job interviews are intended to be a two-way conversation, not a question and answer session. It shouldn’t be an uncomfortable experience either. If the hiring manager is giving short, non-depth answers about why the position is open, how long, and what your expectations are, it is a sign that you are not looking to accomplish much from this position. Also, if the hiring manager makes it seem like this is an opportunity that you shouldn’t say no to rather than why you think someone with your experience would be a good fit for your company, to run! This is a sign that they don’t care about your background and experience and are looking to meet a hiring quota. If the interview process falls into any of these circumstances, it’s best to avoid the company altogether. Talk about an unbalanced business structure.
  • Unprofessional Unprofessional workplace habits go beyond stealing yellow stamps and markers from supply closets. Unprofessional behaviors actually start with fraternizing. Before you know it, your boss and your coworkers are now emotionally supporting each other. When the workplace relationship goes beyond the normal scope of interactions with employees, it can lead to problems and create a stressful and overwhelming work environment. Things like gossip, favoritism, nepotism, laziness, unresolved conflicts, and office politics all contribute to an unprofessional work environment. Even if some of the jokes in the office are funny, they can create a negative dynamic that will only be contained for a while before bursting like a bubble. Bottom line, if the moral is somewhere between TMZ and VH1 with management and staff behaving like a bunch of reality TV cast members, it’s time to reassess.
  • Pessimism – Some people openly hate their jobs. What’s worse is that they often project their hatred onto other employees, spreading bad energy. I always warn people to stay away from people who speak from a psychology of defeat. It is a very dangerous way of thinking. Pessimism not only creates a negative work environment, it affects productivity. If management rarely intervenes to counter these attitudes by resolving differences before they escalate, they are likely part of the problem. Managers are not just task supervisors, they are supposed to be good leaders. Your job is to keep workers focused and engaged at all times. The results of allowing pessimistic attitudes to rule the workplace can cost a company customers and profits.
  • Ineffective communication – It is the silent cancer that kills companies and slows growth. Poor training leads to management and employees transferring incorrect information both internally and externally. Relying solely on email, chat, and office policies can also lead to misunderstandings. Create barriers. Barriers are what lead to the goal being distorted, which generates confusion and conflict that leads to low employee morale. Low company morale destroys productivity and creates low-commitment employees.

Company culture is one of the most important drivers of individual and collective success in a company. When you don’t empower your employees, you don’t generate good results and therefore create a broken atmosphere. Make sure to watch the signs and pay attention to the facts mentioned, this will help steer you in the right direction, away from companies for which you will not be happy to work in a position that will not fully utilize your skills and ambition. You can also visit websites like to get an idea of ​​a company’s culture. When employees break their necks trying to leave an organization to work elsewhere, it is a sure sign that the company may not be the best place to work. If you decide it’s still worth it, proceed with caution.