About 75 percent of women experience fibroids at some point in their life, causing many to wonder ‘are there natural treatments for fibroids?’ Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors found within the uterine walls and range in size from about the size of a pea to the size of a grapefruit. Fibroids often result in a change in the shape or size of the uterus and cause various unpleasant symptoms, including painful and / or very heavy periods, and more than 200,000 hysterectomies are performed each year due to severe cases … but they can also be completely asymptomatic. For this reason, it may not always be obvious that you have fibroids, so it is excellent practice for all women to take steps to naturally prevent these common uterine growths.

While many of the risk factors for fibroids are beyond your control, there are some that you can control. These include things like preventing or treating high blood pressure to help reduce the risk of developing fibroids, drinking less alcohol, eating more detoxifying foods like green leafy vegetables, and selecting higher quality meats. There are also steps you can take to help naturally balance your hormones, which is a key part of natural fibroid treatment and prevention.

Fibroids: natural treatment

The first is one we all fear: changes in diet. High-fat processed meats can increase inflammation levels and are some of the worst food choices when it comes to fibroids. Non-organic dairy products can have high amounts of hormones, steroids, and other chemicals that can alter hormone levels, stimulating the growth and development of fibroids. Refined sugar can promote inflammation, which can increase pain and reduce your body’s immune functions. Refined carbohydrates, like white flour and bread, can cause insulin levels to spike and hormones to get out of balance. Alcohol can contribute to increased inflammation, as well as promote hormonal imbalances, and excessive caffeine consumption can also have a bad hand in keeping your hormones out of balance. Supplementing your diet with organic foods, more vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables, rich in beta-carotene and cruciferous), flax seeds, foods high in iron and whole grains can result in positive results in the natural treatment of fibroids.

There are also several supplements that can help in this quest, but you should always check with your doctor before starting any regimen. The B complex can help the metabolic processes of the liver and the regulation of estrogen levels. Flaxseed oil and fish oil can help reduce inflammation, which can play a role in fibroid growth. You can also use vitex or chasteberry to promote progesterone production and lower estrogen levels. Herbal teas can help decrease inflammation and rebalance certain hormones. Teas made with milk thistle, chasteberry, red raspberry, yellow dock, nettle, and dandelion root have systemic benefits for the reproductive system and uterus.

Besides diet: 4 natural treatments for fibroids

Let’s get the ugly out of the way first: exercise. Exercise has many anti-inflammatory effects and is not only useful for weight control, regular exercise can help control blood pressure, improve insulin sensitivity, contribute to hormonal balance, and regular exercise can help prevent fibroids even earlier. they start.

Improving your hormonal health, as well as your overall health, is another key in fighting fibroids. You should do everything possible to avoid contact with pesticides, herbicides, bleach, synthetic fertilizers, preservatives, and food colors. You should also select natural and unbleached feminine care products and organic makeup and body care products.

Essential oils are another natural fibroid treatment that you can take advantage of. Sage, thyme, and frankincense can help balance hormones naturally. Just combine 2 drops of each oil with a little coconut oil and rub into the lower abdomen twice a day.

And finally, applying a castor oil pack to the lower abdomen can increase circulation in the circulatory and lymphatic systems. A packet of castor oil can also increase white blood cells that flush disease-causing toxins out of your body.

Risk factors like heredity, age, race, and hypothyroidism may be out of your control, but you can still help your body naturally fight, and sometimes even prevent, fibroids. Talk to your doctor before making any drastic changes to your diet or exercise routine, but the natural tips above can help you with this, unfortunately, common ailment.