There are different ways to have an instant positive impact on your personal attitude when negative thinking begins to evade your mind. It mainly depends on the individual and his preferences, but some of the methods can be really helpful.

Success and achievements are intimately related to our attitude. Positive attitude brings positive results. Negative attitude brings… guess what? I can hardly imagine any success or goal accomplished without having a positive mental attitude. Some authors (eg Brian Tracy) designate this as the law of correspondence. The law says that the results correspond mostly to the mental attitude of the individual. In other words, our external world (consequences) corresponds perfectly with our internal world (causes). Therefore, positive thinking should bring positive results, and negative thinking should create negative results. If our goal is to achieve something in our lives, then we certainly must have a positive attitude most of the time.

How do we accomplish this quickly and efficiently? There is no universal magic formula. I can only suggest one practice that helped me achieve this. In my life, I have found that remembering short but positive, encouraging and uplifting quotes and sayings can have a quick and instant positive impact on my attitude. All I do is deliberately replace the negative thoughts that start to come up with positive and inspiring quotes remembered from other people. This has a profound impact on my feelings and behavior.

However, it requires mental strength and a bit of discipline, as negative thoughts are usually fast-moving and can quickly take over your thoughts and feelings. When this happens, you should deliberately push yourself mentally and try to recall a positive quote that you remembered. When recalled, the quote should be repeated and internalized by reflecting on it for a few moments. That way, positive thoughts will start to dominate your thinking and completely replace negative thinking. You’ll feel good and energized again, ready to move on.

Let me offer an example of this using one of my favorite action quotes. Whenever I am in a situation where I need to make a quick and important decision, and then fear and uncertainty begin to slip through my mind, I deliberately begin to remember and repeat the following line from Dale Carnegie:

“The person who goes the farthest is usually the one who is willing to do and dare. The safe ship never goes far from shore.”

Suddenly I am convinced that I must be brave and act accordingly if the goal is to be achieved. Fear, doubt and uncertainty will never get me anywhere. This encouraging thought pattern usually supersedes all negative worries. Then I prepare to act.

This principle can be applied to any area of ​​life. Simply find and remember the quote that will reflect the attitude you want to have when a specific situation arises. You will then be equipped to impact your thoughts and direct your course of action in a positive way. Therefore, you can consider quotes and sayings as your assistants.