Now we know that there are a lot of people fishing for all kinds of different fish and we know that there are definitely a lot of people fishing for carp etc, now we should be thinking “I want to catch some”. great fish that will test my strength and agility”. If you are thinking about this, let me introduce you to the “Wels Catfish”, this is an amazing fish that will definitely give you a challenge every time you try to catch these monsters, fishing catfish is huge and happening all over the world, read on to learn more about the mighty Wels catfish.

Now the Wels catfish is not a normal type of fish these things can grow to massive sizes the fish itself has a long body that has fewer scales just like eels you may have come across the difference is that the Wels catfish have a huge head and a really big mouth that inside contains hundreds of little teeth along the bottom and top of the jaw. At the back of the throats of these monsters they have a crushing plate with which they crush their prey. The fish also has a pair of fins, one that runs close to the length of its body. These fish are also to spot with the naked eye when fishing for catfish because their bodies are mostly greenish black and their eyes are dark, but they also have creamy yellow sides that create a bright look, the look also disguises them well in the water. above.

Catfish fishing is so much fun thanks to these brilliant creatures that will really amaze you at how strong a fish can be, but before you can start doing this you need to know the best ways to catch these fish when you are catfishing. . ? Well, read on and I will give you some useful tips that will definitely come in handy.

So when fishing for catfish you will want to try and identify where they are hiding or especially where they are trying to feed, the main places these type of fish like to hide are dark quiet places when they are not looking to feed so it can be helpful but it is quite rare that catfish do not want to feed, as they like to chew a lot. Well, we know where to fish for catfish when they’re not trying to feed, but if they do, which they’re more likely to do, they like to go to places like weed beds, the gaps under the bank, and places where there are objects like overhanging trees. Catfish fishing is good because when they want to feed many people have said they tend to come to you instead of having to look for them another reason is that they will eat a lot of bait and usually won’t care what but if you really want your catch of catfish increases, then you should use a smelly, fishy-smelling bait, such as shrimp or tuna, which they seem to love. They are attracted to the scent very easily.

One of the best methods used to catch these catfish when fishing for catfish is to use live bait as these look very attractive to catfish. Another bait you’ll want to use if you’re fishing at night is using worms, but I’ll warn you now that if you only want Wels catfish, you’ll need to use this bait at night, otherwise you’ll catch a lot of other fish besides Wels.

I hope this has helped you a bit and given you an insight into catfish fishing for Wels, if you are thinking of doing it I definitely recommend doing it.

Good luck!