Can a Quote Tool Generate Quotes Automatically?

A sales quote tool helps you turn complex product configurations sent by your clients into simple quotations. It reduces the coordination time between team members to help increase productivity.

Besides automation, these tools come with features that help you build your brand and improve customer engagement. Nusii, for example, offers customizable templates, enabling you to add logos and specific colors to create a more consistent look.

1. Automated Quotes

Putting the processes of quoting on autopilot will free up the sales team’s time to concentrate more on generating and converting leads. This reduces coordination and the time spent preparing quotes and gives your customer the best experience possible.

This is important as modern buyers are making more complex purchases. A quote can include various configurations of products and services. Creating quotes manually can be a tedious task with many opportunities for errors in the final document.

Quoting software automates the process and eliminates manual data entry, calculations, proofing, copying, and sending. It also reduces the number of mistakes in the final document and ensures that your customer receives an accurate and professional quote.

In addition, a Quote tool can help to discover warm leads by analyzing the information submitted in order to quickly and easily determine if the client is a good fit for your company. The information collected can then be used to create a customized proposal that will increase your chances of closing the sale.

Proposal to Payment

There are several quoting tools available on the market including those that are specifically designed to generate proposals. There are also those that combine the functionality of a quoting tool with document creation software. These types of tools are often called proposal builders. Some offer a suite of design tools to create documents that are more appealing to clients and others have predesigned templates that can be quickly generated.

2. Save Time

Traditionally it can take 20-30 minutes to prepare a single door-to-door quotation. That is time that sales reps could be dedicating to other tasks or connecting with prospects. With a quoting tool, that process can be reduced to just a few clicks.

A quote is a document that shows prospective or existing customers the costs for a set of products and services. It can be converted into an invoice or subscription when accepted. Having to manually assemble all the aspects of a quote, apply formatting and then email it to the customer can be a time-consuming task.

With a quoting tool, you can copy quotes and save templates that you use for frequently. You can even pull in groups of products or services from previous quotes to speed up preparing future ones. This type of functionality is commonly referred to as Configure Price Quote (CPQ).

Most quote tools have pre-built professional templates that are designed for optimal readability. This makes it easier for your potential or current customer to understand the impact of the goods or services you are offering them and make a decision on how to proceed with their purchase. Moreover, quotes can be stored on a central repository and are easily searchable based on custom filters. This increases productivity and frees up more time for other marketing activities to bring in new prospects.

3. Reduce Errors

A clunky quote tool can frustrate sales reps, and this may lead them to rushing or skipping steps in the process. This could result in a quote that is not accurate or complete. Mistakes in a quote can be costly, especially when they are related to pricing or configuration. This may lead to the deal being canceled, postponed or even lost.

A well-designed quoting system helps to reduce errors by giving the quotes a polished and professional look. This can make a big difference in how potential customers view your products and services compared to a quote that looks shabby.

Quoting software can also help you avoid mistakes in the pricing and configuration processes by automating them. This leaves less room for human error and enables you to save time.

CPQ (Configure Price Quote) systems are a great example of sales quoting software that can reduce errors in a number of ways, including configuring products accurately based on customer requirements, pricing them accurately, and generating proposals with ease.

A CPQ solution streamlines the entire quoting process and improves accuracy by removing manual steps, allowing teams to focus on closing deals rather than creating complex pricing packages from scratch. CPQ solutions also help to increase efficiency by reducing the time spent creating and sending quotes and enabling managers to track quoting and revenue performance in real-time.

4. Increase Sales

Quoting tools also save time for your sales team by reducing the need to coordinate with members of your back end and accounts departments. This enables them to spend more time communicating with clients and increasing sales productivity.

Traditionally, when a client needs a quote, the salesperson would need to assemble all the elements of the quote manually. This leaves a lot of room for error and is very labor intensive. With a CPQ tool, these tasks are automated and require very little human intervention.

In addition, a CPQ tool is usually cloud-based which means that it can be accessed from anywhere and anytime with a device. This provides flexibility for your team to work from home or from the office and allows for increased productivity.

The quoting software also offers predesigned templates that can be customized with your branding and specific information to produce a professional looking quote document for the client. This helps your business to build up a brand image in the minds of your clients and increases their confidence towards your products and services. Many of these quotes also come with document analytics which help you to stay updated about the status of the quote, such as when it was opened, viewed and signed by the client. This eliminates the need to constantly follow-up with clients through emails.