How many times have you made one or more of these excuses to stay in a job you no longer love?

1. It is safe – I have seniority.

2. I like my co-workers.

3. I know how to get the job done.

4. The devil you know is better than the one you don’t know.

5. I am too old to change jobs. Who would hire me?

6. It’s hard to find work in this economy.

7. It’s not so bad to work here.

8. I don’t know what I would do instead of this job.

9. I don’t want my boss to know I’m looking for a job.

10. I need a stable income for my children.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of workers around the world admit they hate their jobs when surveyed anonymously, according to a Gallup poll published in August 2017. Why would people stay in a job they no longer love? The answer is less complicated than one might think.

Many people who are stuck in a career they no longer love are hesitant to ask for advice. They think this is just a function of being an adult. We have been indoctrinated and conditioned to believe that asking for advice is a sign of incompetence or weakness. In most areas of your life, you can successfully get through the day doing things you already know as an adult, or reading an article or book. Do an internet search and articles and book titles will appear on the page. However, an article or book does not provide the unique contingencies or needs you might face. It’s almost a lost skill to reach out and ask for advice. Another reason you might get stuck is that you’re reaching out to people who have an agenda of their own, which is often quite different from your own.

Why is this important?

People who feel stuck need a safe, objective, nonjudgmental space where they can talk things out. As a coach, I say I genuinely care about my clients, but I don’t care what they do, which is very different from how a spouse, parent, colleague, or friend might approach giving advice. Often without realizing it, a person in your life has another agenda for you. So the first thing I do is create a safe frame of reference for each person based on their needs.

What are the key factors with the best ROI?

With such an abundance of online self-assessment tools, it’s easy to fall into analysis paralysis. I see that often, when people are doing a lot of thinking, taking a lot of assessments. Self-analysis is a great thing. But sometimes people get lost in those questions. They think the answer will be found by digging deeper within themselves. The answer is found by inquiring into oneself to eliminate old habits, beliefs, and perceived mistakes to build a solid foundation of self-empowerment. Then move out into the real world and test your ideas, gaining more clarity by taking action. That action could be talking to someone about what you’re thinking of doing or something else, volunteering, or learning a little more about your idea. But it’s really that interaction between you and the real world where the magic happens.

Looking back, you may realize something you didn’t do at the time: that you were blinded in your view of the world of work. All he can know is the industry he is in. Or you may have cursory visibility into other careers, but there are many fields and roles that may be completely off your radar screen. Researching other similar careers will broaden the scope of a career change.

Many people are leaving existence from 9 to 5 to start a business. For years I have told you that a 9 to 5 job rarely creates financial success for most people. Financial success comes from at least two streams of income. It depends on how much wealth you want… 5, 6 or 7 figures.

According to Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestselling book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” the first thing people can do to increase their financial success is to start a part-time business that can be turned into a one-time income. depending on the level of financial success you desire.

Charles Handy, author of The Age Of Unreason, says, “In an age where change is constant, random, and discontinuous, breaking old ways of thinking is necessary to use change to our advantage.” Handy examines how dramatic changes are transforming business, education, and the nature of work. We can see it in amazing new technological developments, in the shift in demand from manual skills to brain skills, and in the virtual disappearance of full-time jobs for life. Handy argues that discontinuous change requires discontinuous and backwards thinking, and discusses the need for new kinds of organizations, new approaches to work, new kinds of schools, and new ideas about the nature of our society.

Whether you’re starting a small home-based business, an internet business, or a network marketing business*… However, owning your own business is the first step to financial success…

Most people don’t know ‘What business to start’ or ‘How to start building a business’.

  • Keeping it simple is best.
  • “Make it easy and affordable for everyone.”

A Business Coach can help you decide which business best suits your skills, talents and temperament.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. (Yes, I have helped people from 5 years old and over 80 years old)

Are you willing to take the necessary steps to reclaim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and enlightenment? Will you take the opportunity to create a new reality for your life?

It is time to CHANGE and prepare for what is coming in your lifeā€¦ so I want you to put your heart and soul into paying close attention to the amount of mental, emotional and physical pain you are in. Then, step by step, you can make the CHANGE smoothly, easily, and without having to deal with the mental and emotional pain and stress of not knowing what to do, not feeling your best, and all the other OLD WAYS that are holding you back. .

Remember that you may need to ask for help.

I want your daily feeling of being overwhelmed to be replaced by a feeling of freedom throughout the day. I hope to provide you with the tools that will help you overcome the everyday fears that hold you back. This is to live the life of your dreams NOW.

There is no shame in asking for help to create happiness and success. If he read the books, took workshops, had psychic readings, took prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, etc. and they still fight; you may have emotional blocks that prevent you from moving towards your happiness and desires.

You may need to ask for help to remove doubt, fear, guilt, shame, or unworthiness.

This is to live the life of your dreams NOW.

There is no shame in asking for help to create happiness and success. If he read the books, took workshops, had psychic readings, took prescriptions and over-the-counter medications, etc. and they still fight; you may have emotional blocks that prevent you from moving towards your happiness and desires.

This is an investment in your health, happiness, success, fulfillment and empowerment. Following the principles of this process will change your life forever and I want you to experience it for yourself as soon as possible. Remember that only you can take care of your happiness and your mental, emotional, physical health and your professional success.

You can do it! Call me if you need help overcoming any blockages or limiting beliefs!