Ads, what do they really mean?

Sex sells, or so many of the magazines, TV shows, and music video producers seem to think. Many messages shown in television commercials, magazine ads, and music videos degrade the image of men and women. In addition, many falsely advertise using Photoshop to enhance people and create the “ideal” image, which thins, sharpens, or completely changes the appearance of the person. This false identity of the perfect person is hurting the self-esteem of men and women who try to achieve an unattainable appearance. The rise of provocative and sexual print and television ads raises the question of the Christian perspective, as well as the understanding of the messages that are trying to be portrayed behind the ads.

The year 2011 turned out to be one of the most challenging in the field of advertising. After choosing six different ads, there are definite similarities in all the promotional strategies and tactics used to portray the messages. The first ad featured a near-nude image of superstar singer Rihanna, targeting both men and women from their late teens to early 30s. In this particular underwear ad, she not only sells the product, but also the image that accompanies the product. Advertisers wanted to reach an audience to say that their products are attractive. With the posture of the body and the amount of skin that was shown, he portrayed the ideal image of a woman in underwear. The gender message displayed in this ad showed that women are vulnerable and powerless and that their self-concept is based on their appearance and body type. To better understand the messages displayed in the ad, Jean Kilbourne from the Killing Us Softly 4 video, mentioned: “Women’s bodies become objects and of course this affects female self-esteem. It also does something more insidious, it creates a climate where there is widespread violence against women … Turning a human being into a thing is almost always the first step in justifying violence against a woman. ” Rihanna’s body became another object in the car and she was presented with her bra falling off her arm giving the idea that the underwear was not meant to stay on the body, proving that it is ready to be “worn.”

The second advertisement analyzed was also from Armani, featuring Rafael Nadal, the famous tennis star. In addition, he also wore only underwear, which also targeted the men and women of the late teens to the early-thirties market. For a man who sees his image as strong, confident and sexy, this ad of a strong and lonely man represents a positive concept of himself. The gender message says that men are always confident and sexy. Posture has a significant effect on the image of the model in an advertisement. For both ads in particular, current famous stars were chosen to represent the same brand. This concept is further explored by Judith Williamson, she explained, “The product, which initially has no ‘meaning’, must be valued by a person or object that already has a value for us, that is, it already means. Something about the product is being signified and the correlated thing or person is the signifier. ” Both Rihanna and Rafael created sex appeal and meaning for both ads and changed the concept of underwear into much-needed sexy image-changing products.

The third ad analyzed showed a completely different message. Ann Taylor’s magazine ad was addressed to an audience in the late twenties to fifties. Being a professional but fashionable women’s business clothing store, the ad placed the model in an urban setting, dressed modestly and in a firm position on her feet. The gender message provided in this particular ad says that women can be strong and fashionable in business. In addition, it focused on a strong, independent and self-sufficient woman. Determining the group for which marketers will advertise can be based on many segments, but in particular, the eigenvalues ​​under psychographic targeting can be used to determine the objectives of the target market. Marketing written by Grewal and Levy discusses this concept in more detail, they stated: “Personal values ​​are goals for life, not just the goals one wants to achieve in one day. They are overriding desires that drive the way a person lives. his or his life “. In particular, for Ann Taylor’s ad, viewers could be self-reliant, a force for change for stereotypes, or self-confidence. This particular information is important in knowing where to place your ad and what message is being sent.

Another aspect of promotional multimedia products includes commercials and music videos. For example, the commercial The Ax Effect showed hundreds of partially clothed women chasing a man smelling of an ax. Also, the slogan “spray more, get more” hints to the male audience that with more spray, more women will want you and give you more of their body. Since the commercial features a young age demographic, the target segment would be teens through 30s. Williamson commented: “When two things are made interchangeable and therefore of equal value, they can be used as currency for the other. Of course, happiness and happiness are only seen as interchangeable. They provide a currency at the level of the other. However, this exchange value, because it exists in terms of meaning (Clairol means happiness / happiness means Clairol) comes to have meaning in terms of actual buying and selling … It provides an intermediate currency between real money and a emotion, because it has a value in terms of both: one, as a genuine monetary price, and the other value as a sign, which represents or replaces the feeling of happiness or whatever “. Buying the Ax product represents getting crowds of women, which can lead to happiness, which means that the spray is happiness, and in a sense it can buy male happiness.

Also, another commercial aimed at men was Carl’s Jr.’s commercial with Kim Kardashian. The slow motion of her food, the parts of her female body shown and her in her bed, all point to the men to think they will get it if they eat at Carl’s Jr. Aimed at young markets interested in fast food and quick satisfaction, this commercial also changes the perception of women who eat fast food. Furthermore, he says that women are used for instant gratification and sex objects, just as men are only interested in women’s body parts. Finally, Katy Perry’s fireworks music video features fireworks protruding from her breasts and, throughout the video, they are the focus of attention. Her breasts were transformed into objects and, as stated above, when a part of the body becomes an object, it is considered a thing, not a precious part of the woman’s body. On the other hand, the message that is promoted is that women and men have no limits and are capable of fulfilling any of their objectives.

With the western culture of the 21st century increasingly risky, Christians find it difficult to determine the dividing line between honoring the faith and being a part of the culture. With the majority of magazines, television commercials, and music produced depicting sexual positions, degrading relationships, and increased nudity, it is prompting Christians to determine whether mainstream media and Christianity can coexist. I think we were all called to redefine sexy and the ideal successful leader, being a mother or father and a Christian through our actions about what we see, buy and read. Furthermore, it is extremely difficult in our time and age to be able to act in these four roles while still participating in society. Although it is difficult, it is also necessary as Christians to be the force to change the way society views sexy, views parenthood and works in the professional sector. I believe that we can participate in the dominant culture without advocating ungodly practices. Discussing what we can do for change, Kilborne commented: “The first step is to become aware to pay attention and recognize that this affects us all. These are public health problems that I am talking about. The obsession with thinness is a public health problem “. problem, the tyranny of the ideal image of beauty, violence against women. These are all public health problems that affect us all, and public health problems can only be solved by changing the environment. “As Christians, we must take the first step in changing the environment to show that all aspects can be part of Today’s culture Ignoring the problem only makes it more difficult to be a part of today’s culture, as well as harming the generations that are growing up with this as their ideal lifestyle.

Finally, I believe that the image and message of God is the most powerful force that Christians have to combat the tragic events of our current culture. First, taking a close look at the closely God-centered relationship between husband and wife is an excellent example of how men and women should act on each other when supporting each other in society and culture. Not only do they have faith in each other, but they respect each other’s body and heart as if they are clothed in strength and dignity. Also, they defend each other without hesitation. In another area, sons and daughters are another excellent example of how our actions should be with each other. They both learn from their caregivers who are above them and can reach a point where they understand and respect those who are above them. I believe this is extremely important and necessary in defending God to the world. I believe that as a group we need to represent the church in a broader way than just meeting in a building, we need to hold others accountable in the workplace and at home.