If you’re on this page, chances are you have a website or blog to manage and you’re looking for ways to drive more traffic. When it comes to website traffic, keyword search volume is of the utmost importance. This phenomenon refers to the number of searches for a specific keyword or phrase during a given period of time. Let’s find out more.

Importance of search volumes

As you search for keywords and phrases, keyword search volume is on the top metric list. With this information, you can:

Get a better idea of ​​the traffic potential

Get familiar with search trends

Choose the right topics for your content

In other words, if you have selected keywords that no one is looking for, you will not get traffic to your website.

How can you get search volume for a keyword?

There are many keyword search tools designed for this purpose. Let’s find out more about them.

1) free tools

Although you can use a free tool, know that it does not offer many features. And most of them charge subscription fees if you want to unlock special features. If you are looking for a free tool for this purpose, you can try Google Keyword Planner. While it is designed for PPC campaigns, it can also be used to find out search volume for specific keywords and phrases.

2) professional tools

If you like search engine optimization, you’d better invest in a quality keyword research tool. These tools provide reliable data. Aside from this, they give you a deeper insight into search volume data such as SERP results, PPC and CPC values, search trends, and keyword difficulty metric, to name a few.

Data sources

Generally, there are two main sources of search volume that keyword research tools provide. Let’s analyze two of the main sources:

Google data: When it comes to reliability, the Google database is at the top of the list. You need to process data for specific keywords because Google gathers similar keywords when providing search volume.

Click stream data – This tool collects data through a large number of applications, plugins, and extensions installed on your computer. Apart from this, other giants, such as Ahrefs and Moz, provide search volume data on the basis of Clickstream data.

Once you have considered this factor, we suggest that you consider the other two aspects as well. The description of these aspects is given below:

Keyword Relevance – Make sure the keywords you have selected are relevant to your website or blog. To do this, we suggest that you perform a detailed SERP analysis.

Keyword Difficulty – Make sure you know the difficulty level of the keyword, which means that the selected keyword should not have extremely high competition. It is best to start with keywords and phrases that have a low level of difficulty.

In short, this was a brief look at keyword search volume and how important it is in the world of SEO.