Friendships are precious, some friendships even go back to school days. Some friends continue to live in the same city, which allows them to do things together often or spend time to chat. The way of the world today, results in many broken friendships through people moving and living in other countries and not maintaining any contact. Another reason for the lack of contact may be the consequence of some trivial issue that you now regret but aren’t sure how to rectify. In such a case, encouraging them to meet you face-to-face and apologizing, even if you’re the one in the right, can end up with an amicable outcome.

Make a point of reconnecting

No one really likes doing activities on their own and while time may be limited, it’s rewarding for both of you to reconnect friendship with friends you rarely see and catch up on the news and do activities together. Arranging to see a movie or play together or just meeting up for a cup of coffee once in a while is a great way to keep a friendship alive.

Stay in touch online

Modern times have introduced us to the Internet, which means that there are many things that you can participate in together with friends online. Among the things you can do if you both like to have a little fun with gambling is gambling online. You can enjoy many bonuses and free spins offered on games at betting sites, as well as having the feeling of being in a live casino. Another way to rekindle friendships is by remembering special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. Sending a card by post or email is a message that is always appreciated by the recipient.

I heard from long lost friends

Use Skype to make phone calls or send messages to long-lost friends who have moved countries. Yours and yours may not be the same anymore, but it’s always good to know what has happened to them over the years. They will also enjoy hearing the stories of what you have been up to since talking is one of the best ways to communicate and reconnect a friendship. Remember that people’s lives have moved on and if you constantly reminisce about events from the past, it can have a tendency to become boring conversation. Instead of keeping your tone light and friendly when you first make contact, you can always refer to past events at a later stage when your friendship is re-established.

Being there for friends who need help

Helping out a friend you haven’t seen in a while but hear is in need is a thoughtful and kind gesture and a sure way to rekindle an old friendship. In general, people are often avoided when they need things done for them.