There are many natural remedies to relieve vaginal itching that you can try at home. Some of the remedies include:

– yoghurt

– Apple cider vinegar

– boric acid suppositories

– Epsom salts

– Tea tree oil


Yogurt contains “good bacteria” such as Acidophilus, Bifidus, or Lactobaccillus cultures. Yogurt is beneficial in replenishing probiotics in the intestine when ingested. Yogurt can also be beneficial in replenishing “good” bacteria in the vagina when smeared inside the vagina with clean fingers. The good bacteria in the vagina are benign (do not cause disease) and help keep “bad” (potentially disease-causing) bacteria and fungi at bay by competing with them.

Apple cider vinegar

Douching with diluted apple cider vinegar can help decrease vaginal itching because increasing the acidity of the vagina should help eliminate any excessive bacterial growth that may be causing the itchiness. Vinegar lowers pH levels and increases the acidity of the vagina, making the environment less hospitable to bacteria. There is one area of ​​confusion with this method of pH alteration and that is that Candida prefers an acidic environment. So if the itching is caused by a yeast infection (which is a fungus), making the vagina more acidic will increase the itchiness. By trying this method, you will soon find out!

Boric acid suppositories

In some countries around the world, boric acid suppositories are common and used with great success to treat Candida overgrowth. In fact, in a recently published Indian study, boric acid suppositories outperformed fluconazole, the oral antifungal drug, in diabetics with recurrent (recurring) Candida infections. Unfortunately, some participants had to stop treatment before the end of the study because boric acid can cause burning of the mucous membranes of the vagina. Another problem with using boric acid suppositories is that in Australia and some other countries, boric acid suppositories are only available by prescription. Then you need to find a compounding chemist to prepare them for you (assuming you can find a doctor who will prescribe them first). In my experience, most doctors will not consider boric acid suppositories as a Candida remedy because they prefer to prescribe the common antifungal drug treatments.

Epsom salts

Douching with a dilute Epsom salts solution (which is alkaline) can increase the pH of your vagina and make it less hospitable for vaginal yeast infections. Always be careful when using a very dilute solution when showering, as vaginal tissue is quite sensitive and can “burn”, becoming raw and sore if the solution is too strong. One way to test the strength of the douche solution is to take a drop of the solution on your finger and touch the entrance to your vagina. If you feel uncomfortable, wash the area immediately with water, as discomfort is a sign that the solution is too strong. You will need to dilute it further and retest before applying it as a douche.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of nature’s best anti-itch agents. The most common way to apply tea tree essential oil to the vagina is also by douching. Be careful not to use a commercially prepared ‘tea tree solution’ to wash your vagina. These ‘solutions’ contain tea tree oil dissolved in ethanol (alcohol) which is particularly drying and can irritate the vagina. Care must also be taken to dilute the tea tree oil so that it doesn’t burn the delicate lining of the vagina, but is still effective (around 0.5 – 2% tea tree is effective and generally non-irritating).

You can also apply tea tree oil to a tampon and insert it, but again you need to be careful about the quality of the tea tree oil you use and dilute it properly (0.5 – 2%) before applying it to the tampon. so the vaginal lining is not irritated. Always change tampons after 4 hours of insertion to avoid “toxic shock syndrome.”

A simple and effective tea tree remedy

There is a product already made into a soothing cream with the correct amount of tea tree oil. “LadySoothe” can be spread wherever necessary, both inside and outside the vagina. LadySoothe is a 99% natural cream formulated by women for women. It has tea tree oil as its main active ingredient and is found in a soothing coconut oil base. LadySoothe was developed as a convenient and easy-to-apply natural remedy for vaginal itching. LadySoothe can be applied by smearing with clean fingers both internally and externally or by smearing a tampon and inserting it into the vagina.