It’s 2pm on a Wednesday afternoon, you know that at best you have three more endless hours until closing time (the happiest hour in most Australian workplaces) and your energy and interest levels are falling apart fast. Not only that, but it’s just hump day! You realize that you are so close, yet so far away!

But what if there were some mental and/or physical exercises you could practice that can quickly and safely improve your outlook and make those last few hours and remaining week more enjoyable? What if you could practice them in the comfort of your office, desk, or the machine you’ve been operating?

These are my top five ways to change your perspective, which I recommend from personal experience! These are my own tried and tested techniques, which have gotten me through those tough hours, without the need for coffee or energy drinks!

Make your work more enjoyable, but most importantly, more productive than ever before right now! Would you like to gain a competitive edge over your co-workers as they look tired and you seem to have gained a second wind? Let’s start.

one. Smile more! – This may seem like a really simple concept, but it can do wonders for your own image. Ever heard the term “fake it until you make it”? This is a perfect description of why simply smiling during these difficult times will change your mood and make you feel like you can deal with pressure or even fatigue more easily. Have a funny and witty prank on your workstation that makes you smile, share a quick joke with a colleague, or just exercise your face in a smile, simple techniques but highly effective if implemented correctly.

two. Think positive thoughts/affirmations – Positive thinking will help you! Use it to your advantage when you can. Use positive and affirming words, especially at times when you feel most vulnerable or overwhelmed. Tell yourself “I can and will be fine” or “I can do this, I’ve done it in the past and I’ll easily do it again.” Let go of any negative and doubtful thoughts by immediately choosing a positive affirmation and concentrating on its meaning. then keep busy! The point here is to empower your mind to get going and restart when you need to. You are a lion, take what is yours!

3. keep calm and focus – I know it may be late and all you can think about is finishing and getting out of there, but stay calm and focus. Take a deep breath until your lungs are full, then slowly release, do this whenever you feel your stress levels rising. When talking to people focus on what they are saying to you, this can be difficult at times but it is a must! By striking up a conversation, your mind will reset, so to speak, and you’ll find that you’re on your way to a second wind of productivity.

Four. Stand! – Earlier I mentioned smiling to push your subconscious mind to be happier. Standing tall or tall and using positive body language can do wonders for your self-esteem, try it now! Sit up straighter at your desk or stand up straighter where you are. Positive body language will go a long way in not only making your co-workers pay attention and see you as a respected figure, but it will also boost your subconscious and give you the confidence you need.

5. Take care of yourself inside and outside of work – Who has time to exercise, right? You should get up at dawn to exercise, if you work from nine to five, or get into the habit of hitting the gym after work, when you’re likely to be exhausted, especially if your job is physically demanding. However, if he has trained his mind to exercise the work sooner or later, great! This can be one of the most rewarding things you could do and will do wonders for controlling your mood and maintaining focus, but what I’d like to focus on here is taking care of yourself to make your life easier during the day. Things like drinking more water, this will help you stay hydrated and can help your focus, I do this every day and it works wonders! Choosing healthier foods for breakfast and lunch will help keep your focus and energy levels high. Stretching and moving around, especially if your job is sedentary, can help keep your mind sharp and remember, never skip meals! All of this will leave you feeling cranky and tired, the opposite of what we’re trying to achieve!

These are five things I do that I find to be the most powerful in helping me not only get through those pesky last hours of work when everyone is exhausted, but also something I practice in my daily life, whether it’s a stressful situation I need. try, an uncomfortable scenario or a task/task that needs to be done.

Of course, there are other tips that can help you, like looking at the big picture, hey, it’s almost time to go, hang in there! Think about money, maybe payday is on weekdays at your workplace? However, I believe that money alone is not going to be a strong enough motivator to calm you down and focus, the subconscious mind needs more than that, it needs to satisfy a basic human need which, in my opinion, is not necessarily a motivator. by itself. , investigate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for a deeper understanding.

This quick guide, as simple as it sounds, is powerful and I guarantee that if all five tips don’t work for you, there will be at least one that will be exactly what you need right now, go ahead and try one today. !