For a democracy, or democratic republic, to function/function effectively, the public/citizens must believe, have faith, and feel that they can TRUST your public and elected officials! Unfortunately, we often witness chosen people who seem to feel they deserve this, rather than have to earn it, every day, in every way! Perhaps never before in recent memory have American voters elected someone so few trust as the current occupant of the White House. Since President Donald Trump, according to political fact checkers, has lied or significantly misrepresented information with such astonishing frequency, especially in times of fear/conflict/confusion, many believe they have no one to turn to, for accurate and realistic information and/or experience! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and indicates, and why it is so important.

1. Truth / truthful; timely, trends: Doesn’t the public deserve, and shouldn’t expect, public officials to be absolutely truthful, to serve and represent the citizens, rather than any personal/political agenda and/or self interest? If we can’t expect them to tell us the truth, why would we have faith in these people and their ability to lead effectively and in our best interest? We need leaders, with open minds, who are ready, willing, and able to take timely and well-considered action, instead of resorting to blaming and complaining about others, and procrastinating! It is important that these individuals recognize the trends and determine which ones align with the nation’s mission!

2. Important; responsible; sensitive; reliable: Instead of stopping at the good old times, we are best served and represented when relevant, responsive and trusted leadership is delivered on a consistent basis. We must hold those we elect accountable for fulfilling, to the best of their ability, the essence of the American Dream!

3. Useful; urgent: We cannot accept any distractions from these leaders, when we need and deserve helpful guidance, ideas, and true leadership! We must demand that they prioritize addressing urgent issues, with a combination of idealism and pragmatism, instead of dwelling on trifles!

4. Service; solutions; system; sustainable: Too often, we allow these officials to resort to populist rhetoric and empty promises, when we need and deserve viable and meaningful solutions. These must be both relevant and sustainable, and the priority must be quality service and the creation of the best system, to make a difference, for the better!

5. time tested; TRUE: How can anyone provide the service we need if they consistently try to reinvent the wheel, instead of taking the time, and having the discipline and commitment, to learn, discover, and use time-tested ideas that could help make things better? Perhaps most importantly, we must begin to be able to believe that what we are told is absolutely true!

We cannot afford to continue electing people who do not earn our TRUST! Wake up America, before it’s too late, to save the American way of life!