When it comes to fitness and cardiovascular activities, dance is often overlooked and underrated. The beautiful thing about many of the styles, types or genres of dance is this: you don’t need a partner. All you need is you and the right shoes.

Mary, for example, has always liked to dance. She can’t remember a time when she didn’t want to dance. Or sway to the music. While she saw him dancing, others only saw her move and “bopping” -without much rhythm or style- to the beat of the music; a heartbeat that she heard in her head that many times was not the heartbeat that others heard. In high school, her band teacher told her that she “had no rhythm.” In high school and college, she laughed as she stood on the dance floor, oblivious to the people around her, moving to her own beat. In the past, when you attended a school dance or party, boys would come up and ask you to dance. She rarely approached him for a dance. Although shy, her love of dancing allowed her to feel comfortable dancing with herself and alone. Her best friend, who was considered a “good” dancer (and was always asked to dance), said that she looked like a chicken on the dance floor. That was long before the funky chicken dance became popular.

Fast forward, more than 40 years later, Mary is still rocking or moving to the music. Often in the privacy of her own home. It is her main form of exercise. Upon meeting her, I immediately noticed her strength, muscle tone and agility (for a person in her sixties) and concluded that she had a strict exercise regimen; maybe even a personal trainer. When I asked her, she informed me that she takes care of her diet and dances three or four times a week; sometimes alone, in the privacy of her own home; other times, she goes out. Of course, she always dances alone, without a partner. She stated that she has always liked to move to music; and from early childhood, regardless of her schedule, she found time to “swing” to music, even if she could only do it in 15 or 20 minutes. Although Mary enjoys many genres, her favorite is reggae. She said that reggae allows her to “swing” anytime, anywhere.

Dancing is considered a recreational activity and is too often overlooked and underestimated for the positive impact it can have on mental and physical health, especially among active older adults and those with mobility issues. Regardless of the style, type, or genre of dance you’re interested in (and there are plenty ranging from ballroom and tap to reggae and hip hop), there are numerous physical, mental, and social benefits. No matter your age and physical limitations, there are many reasons to dance. Here are my top three:

• FUN! When you relax and let yourself go, you realize that dancing is fun. The music, the rhythm, the movements, even when you skip some or many steps, give you a satisfying experience. For example, some dance genres, such as Zumba® (a Latin-inspired cardio-based dance and fitness program), create a party atmosphere that is uplifting, easy to follow, and great for mind, body And the soul. . For me, the fun factor is magnified when the playlist includes some of my personal favorites.

• HEALTH & BEAUTY. Regardless of style, type or genre, dancing provides an opportunity to exercise the entire body. The number of calories burned in an hour varies depending on body weight and the intensity of the dance routine. However, at moderate to high intensity, dancing can burn about 200 calories per hour. It works your core muscles and gives you a good cardio workout. Dancing improves muscle tone, strength, endurance, flexibility, and agility. Increases range of motion and allows joints to move more freely.

• SOCIAL INTERACTION. Dancing is not only a stimulating form of exercise, it provides an opportunity to increase your social interactions with like-minded people in a fun, non-judgmental and safe environment. It gives you the opportunity to increase your social connections while learning some exciting new skills. Many long lasting friendships and relationships started on the dance floor.

It’s never too late to start dancing. You don’t need to have rhythm or know how to jump, crouch or kneel. You don’t have to be good (whatever your definition of good is). All you have to do is “pop up and move,” whether your move is marching in place, waving your arms, or swaying from side to side. You can even sit on your chair. It doesn’t matter if you’re standing or sitting, just move. Your body, mind and soul will thank you, now and in the future.