Girls are very complicated. Men see that she understands clothes, smiles, beautiful hairstyles and various other things that cannot be mentioned here due to lack of space and also because of the need to be careful. It is quite obvious that the ones mentioned above do not include a girl. It is also obvious that a girl cannot be a girl without all these things. Men have never been able to understand where the things a girl wears end and where the real girl begins.

Many girls would love to be men, except for certain occasions. At least, that’s what they say, and this must be part of their complicated nature. No man can understand why the hell a girl would want to be a man. Men pale before them, cool and warm before them, chase them and flee from them, swear by them and by them too. A petite girl in string tights and a short skirt is capable of spinning strong men around her little finger.

In a way, men are lucky because girls love them more than other girls. There are different types of girls, and one girl is not the same at all times. A girl alone is not the same as in the company of her friends. The same girl behaves differently when she is in the company of many men. And in the company of just one man, a girl’s behavior has even confused Jakesh’s son, Agur.

It is natural for a man to prefer a girl the way she is when she is alone. But it is not possible to have a lot of good at the same time. If this were true, a flock of maidens would have brought much happiness to men, but men are more afraid of facing a pack of girls than they are of the bulls of Bashan.

Certain foolish men have made an unsuccessful attempt to construct the idea of ​​an ideal girl. Such a thing as an ideal girl does not exist. If an ideal girl existed, she would be nothing compared to the real girl, a being of flesh and blood, attributes that are truly excellent in a woman.

Similarly foolish men have treated girls like playthings. These men should not have tried to play with the girls. They must have discovered, sooner or later, that they were playing with brimstone and fire.

The world’s largest spit can be extremely sweet. Yes, a girl, in general, is the sweetest thing that is known or can be known on earth. The loveliest thing that nature has produced is the high-born, high-spirited girl. A girl is well aware of this, at the expense of men. As a consequence of this realization, the price of him has risen, and now the man must pay a high price for a variety of things such as ice creams, chocolates, champagne, dinners, church visits and sometimes cash. immediate.

Men wish they knew everything there is to know about girls. However, it’s a good thing they don’t. This is in no way intended to make girls disappear. The girl is an eternal enigma to the man, and it is the fact that she is an enigma that draws the man to her and arouses her curiosity about her.

In short, what a man doesn’t know about girls would fit in a truck, and what he knows about girls would fit in a girl’s work box.