All over the world, men of all ages experience penile itching and many are too embarrassed to seek help. Instead, they fight the condition and hope that eventually the penile itch will go away. Unfortunately, in many cases this has an adverse effect on the sufferer’s sexual confidence and sexual life in general, and the irritation of the penis continues to worsen.

Causes of itching on the penis

Many men automatically assume that penis itching is caused by an STD. However, in many cases this is not the reason behind the itching of the penis. In fact, there are about 18 different causes of penile itching. Some of these are the following:

Balantis – This is an inflammation of the head of the penis, also known as the glans. This condition is usually caused by a fungal or viral infection.

Candida infection (candidiasis): Candida albicans is a microscopic organism that lives in the mouth, vagina, and digestive tract. It is a natural part of human ecology. When Ph levels change in the body, this microorganism can start to overpopulate. This is when it becomes a problem and causes the penis to itch.

Pubic Lice and Scabies: Pubic lice and scabies are microscopic parasitic insects that live in the pubic area. Like mosquitoes, they bite their victim and feed on their blood. These organisms are transmitted through sexual contact and can be difficult to kill, especially if a large infestation is present.

Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema and Allergies – These are all abnormal skin conditions in which the production of skin cells is affected resulting in scaling and redness of the skin. In most cases, this condition is caused by irritation of the penis.

Trichomoniasis: A sexually transmitted disease that generally affects women between the ages of 16 and 35. This disease is associated with chlamydia and is transmitted through sexual contact. There are about 7 million new cases reported annually in the US.

Ringworm infection – Also known as kerion celsi, this condition is a fungal infection of the skin that can cause itchiness on the penis.

Symptoms of itching on the penis

Not all conditions have the same symptoms and some run deeper than others. That is why it is important to take note of all the symptoms, in order to find an effective treatment. The symptoms of the conditions mentioned above are listed below.

Balantis: swollen head of the penis, itching on the penis, hardened penile skin, and the foreskin may be red.

Candida infection (thrush): Symptoms include a burning sensation when urinating, itching and irritation of the penis, as well as a white discharge from the eye of the penis.

Pubic Lice and Scabies: Severe penile irritation and itching on the penis, scabs and sores on the penis, and red, inflamed penile skin.

Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema and Allergies – Penile itching, redness and thickening of the penile skin, and dry, scaly penile skin.

Trichomoniasis: itching of the penis, burning sensation when urinating or ejaculating, and discharge from the penis that may be frothy or yellow-green in color.

Ringworm infection – itchy penis, inflamed penile skin and hair loss and possible sores in the infected area.

Penile itching treatment

It is suggested that immediate treatment for penile itching be sought to avoid permanent skin damage, reduced penile and sexual function, and potential complications that can lead to major organ damage. Treatments for the listed conditions are as follows:

Balantis – Refrain from sexual activity, careful bathing and antibiotic medications.

Candida infection (candidiasis): Oral medications and creams to control yeast infection and return the skin to normal.

Pubic lice and scabies: Over-the-counter lotions and shampoos and prescription medications are used to treat these conditions. It is also recommended that all clothing and bedding be washed thoroughly to prevent re-infection.

Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Eczema and Allergies – Lifestyle changes are needed to correct these conditions. This means wearing different underwear and clothing, and using different soaps and condoms. Take a critical look at anything that comes in contact with the penis and consider using alternatives to eliminate the cause of penile irritation. Also, follow a healthy and balanced diet and drink plenty of water.

Trichomoniasis: Antibiotics are needed to treat this condition. These will need to be prescribed by a doctor.

Ringworm infection: A cream can be bought at a supermarket or pharmacy, or a doctor can prescribe a medicine.

In addition, daily use of a specific penile cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is also recommended to lessen damage to penile skin and aid in rejuvenation. This product is also known to soothe penis itching as it contains vital vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that keep the penile skin in peak condition at all times.