People suffer from infertility due to numerous reasons. Natural infertility cures are essential for those suffering from this problem. Infertility in women can be due to endometriosis, decreased ovarian reserve, ovulation disorders, and low levels of progesterone. There are scheduled medications and systematic treatments to cure infertility. However, if the cause of infertility is aging or chronic disease, these treatments are useless. At the same time, it should also be noted that these expensive treatments have tremendous and harmful side effects. Curing these side effects can be more expensive and even more troublesome than the actual problem. However, there are holistic cures for infertility that only provide benefits and have no side effects. Let’s take a look at them:

1. The right diet:

All the facts are known… our bodies must have the correct vitamins and nutrients to function properly and we must avoid eating highly processed foods that contain chemicals and compounds that harm us. Eating foods rich in vitamin E, such as nuts, eggs increase fertility. A diet rich in green leafy vegetables and watercress will also help reduce infertility. Vitamin E helps regulate hormone production by revitalizing the endocrine system. Omega -3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial when it comes to getting rid of infertility. Eating unrefined fish, nuts, seeds, beans, and vegetable oils is good for those women who want to get pregnant. Foods that contain vitamin – B6 and B12 are also excellent cures for infertility. Regular intake of foods rich in vitamin C, zinc and folic acid will help decrease infertility to a great extent. However, excessive intake of zinc should be avoided. Flax seeds are rich in fatty acids and are highly recommended for curing infertility. Avoid caffeinated beverages and alcohol, as well as smoking, as they promote infertility. A proper diet is one of the best cures for infertility as it is a very low cost option with no side effects.

2. Adequate exercise:

Holistic exercise methods are not only in fashion, they are just as beneficial. Relaxation exercises such as deep breathing, prayer and meditation are recommended every day for 10 to 15 minutes to cure infertility. Performing yoga regularly is a good method for this and helps to cure infertility. Holistic exercises are essential and extremely beneficial cures for infertility.

3. Ayurvedic:

The science of Ayurveda, which was invented in India, has many natural cures for infertility. Licorice and garlic are considered to increase the fertility of the reproductive organs. Regular intake of licorice can stop infertility. Another Ayurvedic cure for infertility is eating jamun [Indian plum]. Jamun should be taken with honey on a regular basis to cure infertility. Yoga was also invented in India. Certain yoga asanas [postures] have been shown to be effective in curing female infertility; these are the following;

  • Paschimottanasana
  • Sarvangasana
  • shalabasana
  • Ardhamatsyendrasana

Another recommended Ayurvedic cure for female infertility is eating curd and paneer. [cottage cheese] on a daily basis. Ayurvedic mud packs that are traditionally known as Ubtans are to be applied to the reproductive organs and abdomen to increase fertility.

However, what is considered one of the best Ayurvedic cures for infertility is to drink a mixture of the powdered roots of a banyan tree and milk on the same night that your periods stop. This process should be carried out for about 6 months to a year.

The above infertility cures are holistic, inexpensive and highly effective. If you follow these 3 amazing cures for infertility, you can become the next supermom of 5 or 6 children. So don’t waste time, start now!