Often forgotten in our quest for weight loss are our flabby arms. We don’t really think about it much until summer comes and they roll off their sleeves. For men it’s just a slight distraction, but the problem seems to be magnified with women. The traditional concept of arm exercises has proven to be quite ineffective and now health and fitness experts are recommending a new approach.

Many women choose clothes based on the amount of “bat wings” they can reveal. More than a minor inconvenience, many women begin a plan to get rid of giggling arm fat, choosing from the various approaches they find suit their tastes.

There was a time when the solution was simple and conventional: exercise, exercise, and some more exercise. Despite serious effort, many found that stubborn fat persisted despite the devotee’s vigorous calesthetic arms.

There are still differences of opinion about the best way to solve the problem of flabby arms. There is still the traditional school that says that weights, mainly, are the solution. In this approach, not much attention is paid to diet. In fact, exercise other than arm weights to firm up the biceps and triceps is discouraged at all.

In recent years a more “holistic” approach to the problem of flabby arms has emerged. In this approach, attention is given to total body conditioning that involves exercises and foods to speed up the metabolic rate along with specific exercises for the arms.

In newer approaches it is recognized that arm exercises alone will be the least effective method of losing arm fat. Time has shown that they are not very effective.

The “diet” component emphasizes foods that have been shown to most favorably affect metabolic rate, but is generally much less restrictive than traditional diet plans. This approach synergistically links diet and specific exercises to lose flabby upper arms.