Cocaine Nose and Bladder Syndrome – What is It?

The Mystery Behind Eric Clapton Cocaine

Frequent cocaine nosebleeds are often caused by repetitive nose snoring or continual facial suction. Cocaine, also a highly addictive stimulant, is administered in various ways. The drug is snorted; swallowed whole; or injected intramuscularly. Each method of ingesting increases the amount of cocaine that goes into the blood stream, and consequently produces increased blood pressure. Ingestion or injection causes damage to the heart valves and the walls of blood vessels, resulting in the kidneys and blood vessels becoming swollen and full of fluids.

When snoring is a common side effect of cocaine use, damage to the nasal septum (the cartilage separating the two nasal cavities) may occur. The cartilage loses its elasticity, so it becomes easily extended or torn. Cocaine users often have their septums damaged even before they begin to snore regularly. Continuous nosebleeds due to continued damage to the nasal septum can damage the delicate structures surrounding the eye, leading to blindness if not corrected soon.

Damage to the nose can also occur as a result of excessive blood vessel expansion or scarring from surgery. Excessive fluid buildup within the nasal passages (also known as rhinitis) is common after cocaine abuse. This often occurs when mucous membranes – which line the inside of the nose – become enlarged with excess fluid and swell. In excessive cases, blood vessels in the nose begin to leak, causing swelling, pain and discharge. These blood vessels leak into the external environment through the skin creases on the outside of the nose and nosebleeds.

What is It?

Runny nose and headache are common side effects of long term cocaine use, as is constant headaches. The frequency and severity of these symptoms can increase with increased usage of the drug. If you run a high volume of cocaine in your system, it is even more important to clean out the nasal cavities frequently. Otherwise, the build up of bacteria can become a problem. The constant build up of bacteria in the sinuses makes it very difficult for mucus to drain, causing constant sinus headaches, runny nose and pain.

Chronic snoring and blocking of the airways also increases the risk of complications such as brain abscess. When there is an abscess in the brain, there will be bleeding and damage to brain cells. Cocaine users often develop brain abscesses that require antibiotics to treat. Other complications include respiratory depression and nasal polyps that need to be surgically removed.

The nasal cavities and nasal passages also provide a moist and warm environment for bacteria to breed. If this environment is present for too long, it can lead to chronic sinus infections. Other complications from nasal infections include a swelling of the face and increased risk of bacterial infections because of the warm moist environment. Many people with nasal congestion also suffer from facial pain and swelling of the face. Cocaine users are at an increased risk for developing sinus infections due to the warm moist environment of the nose. When using this drug, it is even more important to keep the nasal cavities clean by cleaning them regularly with prescribed solutions.

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