Category: Digital Marketing

5 ways CRM integration with marketing automation will help you drive sales and grow your business

Most companies understand, or somewhat understand, that customer relationship management (CRM) is a way of archiving and organizing customer data to make it accessible and thereby increase customer satisfaction. Marketing automation is understood by most marketers to be a way to make marketing tasks easier and more effective, or as HubSpot defines it: “Marketing automation […]

What is the purpose of Team Building activities?

The purpose of team building activities is generally to foster an awareness of team spirit and reinforce commitment to shared team goals and objectives. Applied correctly, these activities can develop strong interpersonal relationships that help bring the team closer together. The purpose of team improvement should include the encouragement of individual team members to cooperate […]

Entrepreneurial Aptitude: A Measure of the Likely Success of a Franchise Business Owner

The keys to success for franchise business owners Brand equity, location, franchisor support, product or service quality, local competition, and economic climate all influence business success. We would expect a potential small franchise owner to investigate these factors thoroughly as part of the due diligence process. But the biggest variable of all is the small […]

be socially social

Staying out of today’s digital world can have a negative impact on social, economic and even professional well-being. In today’s world, where all links lead to various social media platforms, whether it’s a job vacancy, a recipe for dinner, or a quick guide to fixing a problem with an appliance, the Internet has become central. […]

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