Is your long-awaited camping trip with your friend finally becoming a reality? You must have surely started visiting online and offline stores that equip themselves with camping gear, especially when you don’t own any of them. Well, don’t be put off by the wide range of camping gear, as you may not need everything the stores suggest. If you start picking up everything that gets in the way, you’re sure to end up with things that aren’t even necessary for the journey. Here is a complete checklist that you can use to purchase the necessary equipment for your camp.

Waterproof tent: Make sure you buy a tent that won’t get soaked in water or tight during dangerous weather conditions. Don’t buy a big tent if there aren’t a lot of people traveling. Focus on finding a waterproof two person tent and make sure the tent is lightweight and easy to open when needed.

Lights: It is always best to build the fire near your tent to keep warm and keep danger at bay. However, it must be equipped with minimal light sources. Various online websites sell electric lights, LEDs and dual fuel lamps that are easy to use without you having to worry about running out of wood. Make sure to take batteries with you as it is the best power source.

First aid box: Insect repellant and Band-Aids are the most important items to include in your first aid kit. You can also carry gels and medicines to save yourself from mosquito bites. Carrying emergency medications can be of great help, especially when you are in a place that has no connectivity to the world.

portable cooler: If you have decided to stay away in the camp for a few days, you should stock up on enough food and store it in the refrigerator. You’ll find online stores that sell portable coolers that will easily stack in the back of your car and keep your food from getting contaminated.

Litter: You need to find small but comfortable bedding for yourself. Choose the right one based on the climate you are going to for the trip. Make sure the bedding is lightweight and gives you enough room to stretch your legs.

Reliable kitchen equipment: No matter how you want to cook while camping, you should buy a portable cooker to prepare food. It would be foolish of you to rely on the campfire for cooking as it is restricted in various camps. You should bring at least one pot and stove along with enough fuel to prepare the necessary food.

Portable camping chairs and tables: Camping is not always about staying in tents. You need to get out of your lair to enjoy nature and let its beauty invade you. Therefore, bringing a folding table and chair will make you feel at home while you stretch your legs with a cup of coffee on the table.

Shovel: You don’t need to bring a giant or heavy shovel to camp, but a small one is worth it. In any camping store you will quickly find a small and portable shovel that will help you dig the small holes to set up the tent and fix it to the ground.